I'd Perfer the Loch Ness Monster

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Reyna's POV:

To say I was a little pissed was an understatement.

To say I was extremely pissed was an understatement.

To say I felt like Jupiter when his Lighting Bolt was stolen...was an understatement.

To say I felt like Annabeth when you interrupt her doing important reading...that was correct.

I was also however in the midst of all the chaos and battle I was extremely impressed by Bridget, she looked so tired but was pushing all her limits that she has never stretched yet and just going hard with her powers that she basically figured out a decent amount for only using them once.

Watching her and her brother side by side there was no doubt they were related, they looked the same and had the same movements and determined looks. I finally realized why Bridget seemed so familiar when I first met her...

When I first met Percy he had this energy, not only from the sea but also just this aura of confidence even though at the time he did not know who he was. He has a rebellious and brooding look to him and you can just tell by being around him that he is a mature born leader. His glare can be terrifying as well if he is mad enough. Bridget had the same glare, aura, and rebellious look to her, yet at the same time she is also someone who carries herself with confidence and maturity. I recognized it...but I couldn't place why I didn't at the time. Maybe because Percy is a lot more laid back and sarcastic than she is from what I can tell.

But now watching them together...it was so obvious they were siblings...on both sides of the family.

Percy's hair was all plastered on his face and Bridget's was flying around in long wet ropes and even though they were moving around like crazy they were both so at ease and one with the water they were controlling.

I was getting drained though personally. Bridget, Percy, Nico, and Thalia...I was lending them strength. They were all using their powers and high magnitude so I needed to do the same with mine so they could stay on their feet. I knew I would be suffering after getting the backlash from all of them as well. I kneeling down on the deck trying to stabilize myself and not faint.

"REYNA!! ARE YOU OKAY?" Frank was kneeling next to me. I nodded slowly. I wasn't telling the truth. Frank, Hazel, Jason, and Nico are the only ones who know what I can do. And I had a feeling Frank could tell I was maxing the ability out. "REYNA YOU ARE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF!! STOP, THEY CAN HANDLE THEMSELVES!!"

I looked at Frank, then to Scylla, then to all my friends fighting for their lives and shook my head, "I CANNOT STOP!!!"

I ran over to help Leo with the ballista. He was reloading it and needed help. he nodded his head as if to say thank you.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" a scream pierced through the howling wind, booming thunder, and lighting strikes.

Then I heard Percy screaming, "ANNABETH!!!!!!" Then he did something I would not have expected, he willed water to surround his waist and lift his up towards Scylla. He drew his sword and started slashing. I couldn't see much of what was happening...but after what felt like 20 more minutes of everyone also shooting long range weapons and trying to stabilize the boat because of the storm, Percy came down with Annabeth.

I looked up and noticed that there was no more monster which was a relief...I'd have to ask what happened after wards everyone got to work with trying to just get out of the storm.

But it seemed to start to just clear up after Scylla was no longer around. After another 20 minutes we were back in clear skies. thank the gods. Hazel ran below deck to puke immediately. Nico, Percy, Bridget, Thalia, and myself all fainted.

I just remember excruciating pain...Percy's Tartarus memories and other horrible things, Thalia's death, everything I felt last time I helped Nico, Bridget's journey and pain of feeling helpless and alone.

When I woke up Will was sitting at my bed side, I was in my cabin. "Hey, Will. What happened? if everyone okay?"

Will shrugged, "Nico, Thalia, Bridget, and Percy really took a beating with power drain. But you got the worst of it all cause you were giving them your strength and taking their pain. You were fading for a while. You've been asleep for a week. The others woke up a day or two ago and have been confined to their rooms. Jason is healing from the arrow wound and everyone else has bee resting. Nothing too bad as happened since the storm. We figured Scylla caused it is weaken us to attack, obviously when Percy defeated her the storm started to fade."

I nodded, my head felt like I had the worst hangover ever...and I don't even know what that feel like, "My head is pounding, like Hephaestus is building and using a really loud hammer in my head."

Will offered me a cup with a steamy black liquid in it, "What is this?" I asked.

Will laughed, "It's just coffee, it may help. Now you just rest I need to go check in with the others."

I nodded. When Will left I started to sip the coffee, and think about the dream I had...

I was standing in a room full of people adults and children as young as 11, they were grieving and mourning. There were bodies everywhere, some of the dead were again children as young as 11. I took a sharp breath looking at everything around me. People gravely injured. The room I was in had a broken window, stone walls and floor, and ruble everywhere and while everyone was mourning they still had determined looks in their eyes.

"Fred?!" I heard someone call out, I looked behind me. There was a family all with fiery red hair and freckles. I walked over. One of their own was dead, Fred, that was his name. I then looked up and watch a boy who must've been Fred's twin hug a boy who looked like his younger brother.

Behind the younger boy was a girl with frizzy brown hair and brown eyes, and next to her a boy with black hair, glasses, green eyes, and a lighting scar. The boy with the glasses looked to his side...there was a man and woman laying dead next to one another and their hands were out next to each other, it seemed they were married and in there last moment were reaching for one another.

So much pain filled the room. So must devastation.

"Remus and Tonks...there baby boy will grow up without a family," the boy with glasses whispered to himself looking at the dead couple. "I'm Teddy's godfather..."

That family must have been close with him as well as the red haired family.

I found tears coming out of my eyes looking at all the destruction.

The boy with the glasses then took out a vial from his pocket with the small amount of liquid in the lightest shade of blue. He started to run. My dream body followed him. He ran to a statue of a gargoyle.

I heard a whisper of the word "password" and then the boy yelled, "Dumbledore!" and the statue moved aside. He ran up the stairs, when I tried t follow though, my body stopped me from moving.

Then I woke up.


Hey Half-Bloods!! I hope you are liking the dreams of Hogwarts. I know the part about Fred is really sad...I'm so sorry!!! I'm really liking the beginning of Harry Potter integration in the story through the dreams. Hope you are too!! Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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