Uncle Leo is a Taco Master

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Will's POV:

I defiantly could not complain about feeling useless. I've had to heal Rachel from her seizure, I've had to heal an arrow wound on Jason, and nurse Reyna, Thalia, Bridget, Percy, and Nico back to health. While I enjoyed helping everyone...I was also becoming drained of powers so I tried to stick to only ambrosia and nectar if I could help it. Reyna and Jason were both a different story. Reyna almost faded and Jason needed my healing powers the arrow went all the way through him.

but it did suck that everyone kept already getting super hurt and we've only been gone like a week and a half.

Right now everyone was healthy, Reyna was still taking it easy though. We all sat around the table in the Mess Hall.

Leo clapped, "Okay people!! It is dinner time and Uncle Leo wants to make tacos, who's up for that?"

Everyone nodded, deep down we just wanted to eat off the magic plates, but Leo did make some good tacos, at least that is what Jason and Piper told us.

He started pulling stuff out of his tool belt, "This is gonna be like Hibachi when they cook in front of you and are awesome. Tofu tacos are on their way people!!"

Piper smiled at how considerate Leo was about her palette. He could make regular tacos for the others but he made a mean tofu one.

"Uncle Leo is grilling, any special request like possibly a tofu allergy?" Leo asked everyone.

Everyone shook their heads they were okay with tofu.

Percy grabbed his cup, "Blue Cherry Coke." Annabeth stifled a laugh. Leo looked over and rolled his eyes, Percy never really explained to everyone what the obsession with blue food was about.

I looked at Bridget, she looked confused and sad, "If you'll excuse me, I don't feel so well." She got up from the table and went to her cabin.

"I'll go check on her," I said. being the healer and all.

But when I went to her cabin...she wasn't their. Seeing her cabin again made me sad for her...the cabin was nice like anyone else's, but it had nothing in it. Nothing that made her unique. Just a skateboard in a corner and her clothes in the closet and that was it. I felt bad. I knew everyone else had decorations or stuff for them to do that made them, them. Like I knew Rachel had paint stuff all over her room, Leo had mechanical stuff everywhere, and Annabeth had books and stuff.

I looked around the ship until I finally caught a glimpse of her on the net under the bowsprit, underneath Fetus the figurehead. I had no idea how she got down there though.

"Bridge!! Are you okay?" I called, she looked up at me and gave a small smile. She started to climb up back to the deck. Her long hair waving around behind her.

"Hey, Will. Yeah, everything is fine I guess," she said, her voice not as full as usual.

"Do you want to talk about it? we could go to the foretop so it is private in case someone else comes up," I suggested. She nodded slowly.

We sat up in the foretop and Bridget just broke down...

I knew I wasn't as close to her as Leo, Piper, or Jason but I was all she had right now in this moment so I put my arm around her, "I've been trying to hard to get used to having a brother and these powers I have and everything happening...and I don't why but the second I just started feeling like I was a part of something and not a poor useless girl who had her whole life taken from her on day 1...I get torn up again by some stupid inside joke...I feel like Percy and I would have so much more to talk about if I had lived with him and understood why he's obsessed with blue food and stuff and maybe I would be as well. It is just so difficult watching as your family jokes about a history of your family that you don't understand and weren't a part of. I have worked my ass off for years to become this strong, barricaded, and honestly slightly bitchy on purpose person because I did not trust anyone and I could never show all my hurt and now that I know who I am or at least who I should've been I feel nothing but pain eating away at my walls because I hate that I didn't and still really don't get to understand my family's history." I felt my flannel getting wet from her tears dripping down onto it.

"It's okay, we all are like that, if you really need someone to help you and relate to that a bit more, talk to Jason. He is your closest friend and went through the exact same thing as you pretty much. You'll start to understand more and more as the quest goes on, things may get shaken up but don't let it shake you," I gave her hug. She wiped her eyes.

"Thank you, Will...that really helped. Now should we go get some tofu tacos from Uncle Leo?" she laughed.

"Oh yeah, defiantly. I have heard so much praise about these tacos from Piper and Jason and I need to see if it is all true," I laughed.

We climbed down and went back into the Mess Hall.

Bridget waved, "Hey, sorry about that. I'm all good now. Hey, Male Tinker Bell! Food ready yet?" everyone laughed. Leo rolled his eyes and stifled a laugh.

I caught Percy looking at his sister intently while he laughed, he could tell something was up. He probably noticed the small details like how her eyes were still puffy.

I walked over to his and whispered in his ear, "I think you should talk to her later, maybe share some stories. You know? Help her feel like more of the family but telling your history."

Percy nodded, "Thanks bro. I will."

I sat down next to Nico and planted a kiss on his cheek, I caught him blush a bit he still wasn't totally used to the PDA yet, but he put his head on my shoulder anyways when I put my arm around him.

"Everything okay?" he asked quietly while Leo passed out tacos.

"Yeah, Neeks, everything is fine," I smiled at him and took a bite of my taco, "My gods, these are incredible." I said aloud causing everyone to laugh.

"I told you Solace!" Piper laughed.


I hope you guys liked this chapter, I'm getting through this story smoothly, in quarantine all I do it write I feel like, it is awesome!! I do hope it is over soon, I miss getting hugs from my friends and doing real rehearsals for shows instead of virtual ones lol. anyways hope y'all are enjoying, please send my feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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