What's Worse Than Being the Seventh Wheel? Being the Twentith

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Leo's POV:

Annabeth and Percy.

Jason and Piper.

Hazel and Frank.

Ron and Hermione.

Harry and Ginny.

Grover and Junpier.

Will and Nico.

Rachel and her Oracle gig.

Thalia and her Hunter gig.

Reyna and...having zero interest in really anyone and accepts being a one woman show.

Draco and Bridget. Apparently.

Everyone has someone to occupy their time...or something (creepy spirit)...or they are okay with being alone.

I have nothing, especially since we're all split up now too, my beat friends are gone.

I kept thinking about what Nemesis told me last year...

"You will always be the outsider, the seventh wheel. You will not find a place among your brethren."

Yeah well, I thought I had beat that, but now I am the 20th wheel...and Juniper didn't even come on the quest!

20 is an even number which I SHOULD HAVE SOMEONE!! But because Rachel can't date cause of her Oracle thing, Reyna...doesn't care anymore and wouldn't have interest in me anyway, and Thalia is an eternal maiden...I have no one.

I miss Calypso more than anything.

I thought back to when we first came back to camp...

**Flashback starts**

"UNCLE LEO IS BACK MY DEMIGOD PEEPS!!!! BASK IN MY GLORY!!!!" I yelled with a huge smile right after Calypso, Fetus, and I crashed in the middle of a capture the flag game.

Instead of lots of love I had to sit at the front of a line where everyone came up to smack me as hard as they could, scold me, then hug me or say, "Welcome home! We missed you!"

The worst of it came from Piper. Cal just stood back and watched and laughed, then had an awkward interaction with Percy, then they got over it and hugged it out.

Finally after my entire body was bruised I took Calypso on a tour of the camp ending at Bunker 9 which was empty. Her and I laid on the old sleeping mat I had placed here for when I spent the night in the bunker accidentally. We cuddled for a good hour.

I breathed in deeply, "Feels really good to be home, especially since I am with you Cal. Soon enough we'll open our machine shop, and take over the world with franchising." I laughed. "I love you, Sunshine."

She breathed a small laugh, "Leo and Calypso's Garage: Auto Repair and Mechanical Monsters. We'll sell, fruit, vegetables, cider, and stew. It'll bankrupt all other businesses and we'll live like gods. With our pet metal dragon."

I kissed her head, "We're gonna run this city and become famous, everyone in New York will know our name until the day we die and they bury us at a big and televised funeral event." I said laughing.

Calypso took in a sharp breath and tensed, "We aren't gonna actually stay in the same state forever, right? We'll travel and maybe live a different country sometimes for a period, take adventures."

I shrugged, "I think I've had enough adventure in this last year to last an entire lifetime and that's also considering I never have another quest which is not guaranteed. Also if we are traveling and I'm needed I can't be half way across the world, I need to be close."

"Oh...yeah...of course. I understand," she didn't relax back down, she seemed to be thinking about something but I didn't understand what. So I let it slide...

**Flashback over**

At the time I thought she understood, but thinking back now I realize how selfish I sounded, she hadn't been anywhere except Oygigia for centuries and I basically told her that she would never be able to go anywhere again and be in the same place forever until she died. I didn't do good by her, and I had thought recently that maybe Bridget could be a second chance...

But now she is like practically Draco's girlfriend.

Something about Draco sets my hair on fire...literally sometimes when I think about him my hair sets on fire. But that's not what I mean, like I know he is supposedly on the good side and stuff now but like how do we really know that? He could just be using all of us!

He could be using Bridget, he could just want to like take advantage of her or something and then ditch all of us and apparate away into nothingness.

Ugh, there goes my hair again. Damn it.

I knew it was just jealousy thoughts, Draco's actually a cool dude. I'm more just bitter because Nemesis was right, I haven't truly found a place among my brethren in the over a year I have been in this world and Draco and the others have been here only a few months and they fit in just fine. Even Bridget, while she had a rocky start she found somewhere to fit in. Best friend Jason, new basically boyfriend Draco, Brother Percy. It's just kind of annoying.

I'm not mad at them for fitting in, I was happy for them. I was mad at myself for being such a loser.

I went into the engine room like I did most night before headed back to my cabin to sleep, yeah unlike last trip I actually sleep in my cabin cause there isn't as much junk in there to make it unsafe, but anyway, like I was saying I went in there to let off some steam.

I began to punch the walls leaving some scorch marks from hot hands, and tears fell down my cheek. I screamed and yelled until I ran out of tears and out of a voice. Once I was finished I headed back to my cabin and laid in my bed thinking of how in the morning I would have to put on the fake smile.

and be light hearted, joking, Leo Valdez.


Poor Leo :( I got sad writing this chapter but I have big plans for Leo so we had to start building the story for him, I already have one of the biggest chapters having to do with him completely written in my notes and I can't wait till I can gather all those pre written chapters for later here and you guys can see them. please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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