I Decide to go Shopping

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Rachel's POV:

After the proposal surprise...to everyone except apparently the boys in our group...we stopped playing Truth or Dare. I was okay without getting a turn. What was funny was that Leo never got another turn, so he still had duck tape on his mouth and he was whining until I finally got annoyed, ripped it off of him, and he screamed in pain.

Everyone was more interested in the engagement. All us girls were fawning over Annabeth's ring and her surprise and planning the wedding. Percy had made it clear he wanted it before we left so it had to be soon. Aphrodite immediately walked closer to her IM so she could confirm to us she would do the outfits...which none of us were super thrilled about but it had to be done.

The boys were all in their corner congratulating Percy for finally manning up and popping the question. And patted Nico on the back for getting him to agree. Percy couldn't stop smiling at Annabeth. and Annabeth couldn't stop smiling at her ring.

The only one that wasn't very excited/interested was Bridget. I was kinda just sitting in the corner fiddling with her ring, I figured she did it when she was anxious. I decided to walk over and talk to her.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked calmly so I didn't frighten her focused mind.

she looked up confused, "what? oh yeah...I'm okay. Just don't really have a place here yet, don't really feel comfortable celebrating something that I haven't seen grow into what they've become. Jason keeps reminding and telling me not to worry that you guys will become my family...but...and no offense to you when I say this...I only really feel comfortable around him. I trust him."

I nodded and sat down next to her, "I get it, and no offense taken. Jason is a good guy and you're lucky to have him as a mentor...or babysitter as called earlier," I joked. she gave a small smile to me.

then she looked at my hairbrush, "Is that for 24/7 beauty fixes or..."

"Oh, this is my good luck charm. First quest I helped out with to get me more associated with this world I hit the titan lord Kronos in the eye with this brush. I mean now I have this Harpe as well," I gestured to the sword in it's sheath, "It belong to the original Perseus who was actually a son of Zeus. He did a bunch of cool stuff. After the quest when you get accustomed to regular schedule you'll learn all about old demigods and stuff in classes."

"Yeah, I've seen the schedules. I was given timetables when I was in the Infirmary," she said. "So...how do I like get clothes that aren't camp merchandise?"

"You have to be approved for an outside visit. They don't get approved often...but maybe if I took you since I'm technically mortal and monsters don't go after me, I could take you. I mean they'll sense you but then at least two of us to fend them off," I offered. "We'd have to ask Chiron though."

"I just got out of the open, I don't really want to go back in..." she looked at the ground still playing with her ring.

"How about I go for you, and I could IM you and ask what you like and buy it? What kind of stores are your style?"

"Uh..." she shrugged, "I like graphic shirts, dark colors, bleach stained stuff, crop tops...doesn't matter what store just that kind of stuff. Anything with like rips in it, I like flannels. I don't have any money though."

"My dad is rich...I can pay for it all, do you want any shoes," I asked.

she shrugged, "I guess I could use some high top white converse."

I nodded, "Cool, I can go out tomorrow."

she nodded at me, "Thanks." Then she got up and went to talk to Jason. She really did only trust him right now.

Hi, I'm sorry I know, super short. But I wanted this in there. Please bare with me. I think that the previous two chapters make up for the lack of length this chapter has though. right? okay cool. please send feedback!! Also guess what I'm getting a bernese mountain dog puppy super soon <3

~Daughter of Poseidon

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