Cliff Jumping Times Two

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Percy's POV:

So...we've been on the move I want to say around 20 days and we arrived in the Europe ocean area and are close to Scotland. The ship is airborne now because Hazel needed a seasickness break and Jason and Thalia wanted a take at their domain (even though Thalia hates heights) since we'd be near land soon. There were a good amount of attacks since Scylla, some Harpies, a Skolopendra...or as I like to say, Shimpzilla. and some Anemoi Thuellai...or Venti, it's the Latin version but it is way easier to say.

Anyways, Leo decided that we should get some fuel so we are stopping down in Ireland to grab some fuel and just take a quick travel break. Annabeth said we would setting down right on the Cliff of Moher, I guess it is suppose to be extremely beautiful. So that would be cool to see. We'd only be in Ireland for a few hours so we had to make the most of our visit, to Annabeth, that was sitting on the cliffs doing nothing and enjoying our marriage for the first time since we got married. I was not opposed at all.

Everyone agreed that while they go get fuel we can enjoy sometime together, pretend it is our honeymoon or something.

I felt exhausted...ever since we got told about the quest my stress levels have been off the charts, every night since we left...I haven't slept. Instead I've been awake, planning and thinking. I haven't really been eating as much either, I have a constant sick feeling in my stomach, and I only take a couple bites so I'm not starved, but it is defiantly less intake than I am used to and putting a damper on my strength. Every night I pace around my room thinking about everything we have coming and about the fact that this could be it, we made it this far and now we were going to fail. I've been crying myself to sleep at night thinking about how I just met my little sister and there was a huge chance I would never get to really have a relationship with her. How I married Annabeth and will most likely never get to build a life with her. How after all I have been through, this could finally be the moment I fail. I am facing all my old enemies including a new one that is stronger than any being possibly ever. I feel like after all these years I have kept so much emotion inside because I had to so I could stay focused and is all just breaking the glass I kept it in and I'm slowly breaking apart.

and there was nothing I could do about it other than fake a smile and sarcastic humor and hide in my cabin as much as I could.

Once we landed as everyone left I made sure to give Bridget a hug before she went, I wanted to make sure she knew I care about her as much as I could in case something happened.

She raised an eyebrow at me after, "What was that for Laddie?"

"Laddie? Seriously?" I laughed. No matter what mental state I was in those dumb nicknames were getting worse and worse and could choke a genuine laugh out of me, which I was grateful for because it reminded me that I just need to push past the stress because I am not gone, just clouded right now.

She threw her arms out while shrugging, "Hey, when in Ireland and Scotland. Don't change the subject, what was the hug for weirdo?"

I put my hands in my front pockets and shrugged, "I don't know, dangerous stuff can happen on these supply trips one time Frank and I got stuck in an aquarium tank by the goddess of monsters Keto. Frank became a tiny goldfish. Another time Piper, Jason, and I went down into a sewer place and almost got drowned by evil nymphs with magic black water that I couldn't control and couldn't breath in. Be careful, I just got a sister back that I never knew I had, I would be crushed if I lost you."

"Okay, weirdo, I'll be careful. But don't worry too much Leo and I will look after each other, enjoy your honey moon...thing. Bye, Broseidon." she laughed.

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