Newcomers with a Warship

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Harry's POV:

Everyone in the school rushed to the windows to look at what some second year had been yelling about. When my friends and I finally pushed our way to the front of the crowd we were speechless...

It was a gigantic FLYING war ship, with a metal dragon figure head. It had huge oars on the side, and there were too many of them to count.

I looked closer and it got closer, I saw teenagers standing on the ship. As it got even closer I saw that there were 14 of them.

I rushed to go see Professor McGonagall, "Professor, are we suppose to be having 14 new student come to stay. And if so, did you know they had a giant flying warship?"

"What are you going on about Potter?" she asked me, I asked her to follow me, she got to the front and saw what everyone else was seeing. "Oh my...after all these years..." I heard her whisper, then she called out to all the students, "All students go back to your dormitories, immediately!" Everyone started to rush out. But I grabbed Hermione and Ron. We hid behind a wall right in earshot of McGonagall.

The ship flew right up to the balcony at the end of the windowed corridor. They let down an anchor.

"Who do you think they are? I don't see any wands, and how do they plan on getting off the ship it isn't like they can jump—," Hermione had started to say but she was cut off. A blonde boy levitated into the air and started carrying his friends to the balcony, and another very buff and strong boy who looked Chinese turned into a giant eagle and began also lifting his friends and bringing them across the gap.

"Bloody hell, how do you reckon—," Ron whispered but he was cut off by a girl stepping forward and beginning to speak to McGonagall.

"Hello, my name is Annabeth Jackson, and what I am about to tell you may shock you, but we swear it is all true—," the girl had long blonde curly hair, and she was cut off by McGonagall.

"You're demigods," she said. All of the new comers were taken aback.

"How did you know?" Annabeth asked.

"Our late headmaster, Albus Dumbledore had a correspondence with your two camp leaders, Lupa and Chiron. It was handed over to me when he passed, but Chiron and Lupa did not warn me you were coming, long ago the Wizarding World and your world we agreed to stay separated, but it seems now something happening. Am I correct?" she asked the group.

A girl with long curly red hair stepped forward, "Hello, my name is Rachel Elizabeth Dare and I hold the spirit of The Oracle of Delphi. I along with all my friends have been having visions since our quest began. We are meant to connect with five of your students. From my visions I have gathered that their names are: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley. How our visit with them goes will determine our quest success or failure."

McGonagall laughed to herself, "I'm not too surprised about that. I've been told you get prophecies on quests, may I hear it?"

The girl with red hair nodded, she then doubled over for a second and green smoke begin billowing around her and her eyes turned green and were glowing. She began to speak in a raspy voice that was not her own:

"14 shall set out most old and one new

The Huntress, the Praetor, and the seven, are a few

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