OH NO! Edward Cullen gets Slayed

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Ron POV:

Will has to take a small breather after the first apparition. While he laid down and waited for the sky to stop spinning I casted protection and shielding spells and then I set up the tent. I grabbed under Will's arms and I dragged him into the tent.

"Holy Hera, it was tiny on the outside...what happened?" Will said when he looked around.

I flipped my wand and caught it, "Expansion spell."

"Sweet, we're living like kings," he laughed sitting up.

I shrugged, "Everyone else has these tents too...except Nico and Hazel."

"Yeah, and then Thalia, Grover, and Ginny are at a really freaking nice hotel and casino, though they can't eat anything or else they'll get trapped. Then Annabeth, Leo, Draco, and Bridget have the entire ship to themselves," Will laid back down again, "Man, even the ground is like super comfy. I might just sleep right here."

I laughed, "Okay, I might look into where we can find that stone."

Will opened his eyes and got up, "Well, we learned about then Greek Mythology lessons, the most famous of the stones is at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Ancient Greece. Hopefully it will still be there or else we're going to have to go on a really long search...or we can go find this crazy guy who if you catch him he'll answer one question. He knows everything. His name is Nereus...but it's close to impossible that we could even catch him."

"What do you mean? Catch him?" I asked confused.

"You have to catch him and hold on until he gives up and he struggles a lot, he can turn into different animal as I think to," Will explained.

I shrugged, "I could cast a attachment or binding spell. Then it would be impossible for him to shake whoever the spell is cast on until the counter spell is cast. Also...weird."

"What's weird?" Will asked.

I sat down on the bed and threw my head back and laughed a bit, "Literally everything about you're world. To muggles the wizarding world is extremely weird...to wizards the muggle world is weird. But to both muggles and wizards would find your world absolutely insane..."

"Well...you're world is crazy to us as well...if you told me more about it I could name all the weird things," Will said, "So...tell me about it."

I started to just tell him the story of my entire life, "Well...when we were 11..."

**a few hours a long stories later** [y'all already know them, I don't need to go into full detail]

After finishing and getting to where we are now, Will just sat for a moment. Then looked up and smiled, "I told you...we all have weird stuff. What are some of those names? What the heck?"

I laughed a bit, "That's all that stuck out to you? The weird names?" I was not offended in the slightest, I knew they have been through their own crazy stuff so I wasn't really surprised. While there are moments I can have some calm the demigods for what I've heard are always on edge. Even though I am on edge a lot and had crazy dangerous stuff going now...their's it just never stops from basically the day they were born till the day they die. I didn't know much past that.

Will shrugged, "I mean, it's all crazy and I totally understand the situations...jokingly speaking...just another Wednesday in a demigods life." We both laughed.

It was nice being able to laugh with him, we weren't comparing trying to see who's life was more dangerous, we just making jokes about how both of our lives suck a whole lot but there can also be some light days and periods.

"I feel like I was always nervous to talk about our different lives cause I thought it would become a competition...you know? What if someone got offended by someone making a comment about the others situations not being that hard?" I laughed.

Will laughed too, "Yeah, I think that's why we all kept to ourselves. But the reality is that we all have had our harder moments and our easier ones, we should just tell the stories we're all the same but in different ways."

"I don't know if that is grammatically correct but I want to hear some of your stories," I told Will.

"Well...that starts when I'm about 12."

**another few hours later**

I laughed a bit, "Seriously? She took down a...what's it called, Drakon all by herself just because of pure rage when a girl—traitor no less—."

Will glared at me...I could tell I hit a nerve with something I said, "Silena was not a traitor. Never say she was. She saved everyone and she is Elysium, it's where heroes go in our world."

I felt myself blushing, "I'm sorry, I don't know the whole story I should've kept my mouth shut."

Will shrugged and his glare went away, "It's okay. Just the Silena topic is very sensitive. Change subject? Maybe too the fact that you have werewolves and we have vampires so we're basically living in Twilight with double the amount of monsters and weird stuff going on."

"Yeah, wonder when Edward Cullen is gonna show up, so jealous. he basically gets to live forever," I laughed.

[I'm so sorry if you understood that joke/reference🥺that cross reference was too easy not to grab. R.I.P Cedric Diggory.]

"So aside from the stuff you've told me you've been through already. Do you know any of the other stories? Hazel told Ginny she couldn't tell them justice that those who were there would tell those stories best. Were you always there, like I've heard Percy and Annabeth usually are?" I asked Will.

He shook his head, "If you want to hear the stories from the best points of view you need everyone, especially Percy and Annabeth. They really have gone through all of it. At least one of them is in any story or adventure that's worth recounting."

"So...do you think when we're all back together we'll have one massive story share?" I asked. Will shook his head again.

"After we all come out of this adventure alive and it's all over...then maybe we'll have a story share session."

I laughed a bit, "I really hope time goes by fast, I'm eager to hear all the stories."

Will nodded, "I'm sure everyone else is eager to hear yours as well."

I shrugged, "It's different. With us we all have the same exact story and went through the same stuff, with you guys you can't tell the story right unless you were there and not everyone was always there like with us."

"Even still. Don't under estimate how much is demigods like hearing stories of danger that they didn't have to be a part of. Give us a feeling of joy that things aren't just bad for us."


Hey wizards! that hope this chapter didn't bore you guys, I had fun writing it honestly, just the banter between these two. They felt like a good match I hope you think so too!! Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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