Lady Artemis Tells Me What We're Up Aganist

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Thalia's POV:

I couldn't believe I had to go on a stupid mission for the gods again. I joined the hunt for this reason so I wouldn't have obligation to serve any god or goddess other than Lady Artemis.






After I told Katie she was going to be acting Lieutenant once I left for the quest I requested that the other girls left me alone in the cabin...

So I could punch the walls in peace.

"No—good—stupid—son—of—Titan—dumbass—father—making—me—go—on—another—stupid—freaking—quest—to—save—the—stupid—universe—ugh," I grunted out words between punches. "AARRGGHH!!!"

"I sense you are angry?" I heard a soft laugh behind me.

I looked over to find a young girl about 12 sitting on one of the bunks chuckling. It was Lady Artemis.

"My Lady," I kneeled. "I apologize that you had to see that."

"No matter, I came to give you information that only the gods have sensed and now fear. The reason for this quest," she explained to me.

"My Lady? Do you know who the enemy is that none of the people here and come up with?" I asked calmly.

"Yes my faithful Lieutenant. I fear it is the darkest and most powerful being in the universe and one that we long forgot about...." she took a sharp breath, "Chaos is rising."

"Yes, my Lady, we know th—," she cut me off.

"No my dear. The first mother, the Void. The first ever being. Chaos, the primordial goddess. She was the first to appear. She birthed Gaea, Nyx, Tartarus, Eros, and Erebus. And she is trying to also bring Gaea out of her sleep again and restore Kronos to his full power. She is bringing the Titans who will fight with her to her side and the Giants. She is angry. She was forgotten, and now she wants revenge and to rule the universe." Artemis finished and I was in shock.

"B-but?" I shuddered. I really did not know what to make of this. I was so true that she was forgotten that we had never been told of her before.

"Chaos, was once presumed to be male, because of general bias, but I assure you she is female despite the male sounding name. I know that is not really essential information but it truly is one of the only things I can remember. Maybe this is why she wants vengeance so no one will ever forget that she was the beginning and can cause the end if she is ever dishonored or forgotten again," Artemis mused. I still couldn't muster words.

Artemis and I sat in silence until I finally managed to say something, "H-how are we suppose to fight the goddess to created life basically, the goddess that is the absorption of disorganization and confusion and nothingness. She is discord!!! excuse my language my Lady but...WHAT IN HADES ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DO?!?"

Lady Artemis sighed, "I am sorry dear but I truly do not know, it is hard to say. We have no idea what she is capable of. When the time comes to fight the giants the gods will be there to help though. The titans while difficult with the strength of one another you can do it. You have defeated Gaea before it can be done again, and Chaos is a primordial just just Gaea. It could be the same process or a different one. I really do not have all these answers, I just wanted to warn you my dear," Artemis explained.

"Thank you my Lady." I said back to her as she started to disappear.

I sat alone in silence for a while with one thought. I would I tell the others?

Hey readers!! I know this was like SUPER SHORT and I have no excuse. I really just had no drive for this chapter but I needed to get the explanation for who they are fighting. I am so sorry, Thalia's POV deserves so much better because she is such an inspiring badass I love her so much. I promise to do better but this really was more an informative chapter than an actual fun chapter with drive and inspiration. I had zero fun writing this chapter🥺😭was really crying in my lemonade. did not like it one jiff. and it wasn't fair to you guys either!!!! I am so sorry!!!!!!!!!! please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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