14 Items

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Frank's POV:

The girls got back to the ship running at high speed. Bridget's dress was in sheds at the bottom. Hazel's hair was a wreck, and Ginny looked absolutely exhausted.

Percy ran over to his sister and started looking over her to make sure she was okay, his eyes were filled with fear, he never usually looked that scared, but I guess it was just the new sibling protective instincts, "Perce, everything is fine. Nothing happened, we all got what we needed. Ginny doesn't have the same superhuman ability and stuff we have that is why she is tired. While running here got got sick of this thing and slashed it up with my own, sword...now I don't mind it. Hazel...what did happen to your hair?" Bridget explained and then asked.

She looked up at her hair and saw that it was in a poofy mess. She shrugged, "Gotta he honest. I have no idea, I was dancing with this tall dude maybe he messed with my hair and I didn't notice."

"I think she looks beautiful like always," I stood behind her and put my arms around her.

"Guys, I learned some crazy stuff..." Ginny said, "We need to talk."


Everyone sat at the Mess Hall table. Ginny stood in front, from her tones earlier it seemed she got the most important information.

"This Cyclops told me that Chaos apparently was able to tell them the reason why we can't beat her. There are things that we need, and they are not easy to get. The Sword of Peleus which is not necessary it he said it would help, I don't know what it is, but you guys probably do. Things we really need, The Helm of Darkness, Circe's Staff, both left and right arm Gorgon blood, the dagger Parazonium, the Ring of Gyges, the stone of Baetylus, Moly, Lotus Fruit, the Head of Medusa, Teeth of Dragons, Prometheus Chains, Orpheus Lyre, and Poseidon's Trident."

Everyone was silent, then Leo spoke, "Oh yeah great, no biggie, just like 14 different items that are probably all lost and shit, 4 of them are close to impossible to get, and one of them as never been mentioned as stolen and borrowed in history. Great. Just perfect. THE PROPHECY DID NOT MENTION FLYING ALL OVER TARNATION FOR A MILLION ANCIENT ITEMS THAT LIKE ARE GOING TO TAKE FOREVER TO GET!!!!!"

"Yeah, Leo, and it didn't mention that we'd have to get that scepter on the last quest either, sometimes you have to find things that aren't directly or discretely mentioned," Nico rolled his eyes. "It does suck that it is like a million things, and like some of them are like back in the USA area, like my fathers helm which I have zero idea how we're gonna get and Circe was last in the Sea of Monsters. But she's been like off the grid since. Since we know at some point we have to find Percy and Bridget's father maybe we can convince him then for the trident?"

Percy shrugged, "Dad almost killed me when I got on his throne. He is really protective of his stuff, not that other gods aren't like that about their thrones but I'm just saying. There was almost a war because of the bolt and the helm getting stolen. I don't think he'd be so willing to give it up especially if something could happen to it." I looked at Percy, there was lack of emotion in his voice, he was very monotoned, which is not a tone every related to or used to talk about Percy Jackson.

"Why do we need the Helm of Darkness, Annabeth has an invisibility cap, they are basically the same, right?" Leo asked, snapping me from my thoughts.

"The Helm is probably a lot stronger Leo," Piper said she looked at Annabeth. She just shrugged.

"I have no idea, they come from the same power so..." she said simply.

"Okay, let's go over what each of the thing actually do," I suggested. "First the sword. Annabeth? you know like everything."

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