Surprise Times Two

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Hazel's POV:

I bet you a million drachmas my family drama is worse then yours.

Let me explain.

Imagine going to visit your father to ask if you can borrow his most prized possession to battle an all powerful being to save the universe and on top of the fact that he is stubborn you have to deal with his wife, who hates you because you aren't her kids and the entire time your trying to convince your father, she is glaring you down and saying how even the thought of asking for his possession is ridiculous. Oh and they're all powerful gods who could snap their fingers and send you to enternal damnation.

I think I got that all summed up. Let's go check out what's happening right now.

"Hazel, do you even realize how much you are asking of me? I'm not giving you my helm, it is far too much power to be held carelessly among 15 demigods and 5 wizards!" Hades voice boomed as he rubbed his temples.

Persephone smirked, "Tough luck kids."

"Step mother, please," Nico steamed angrily, "Shut up for once." He tried to be as calm as he could be, "This is a matter of life or death, for you as well so why is it a debate. Give us the stupid helm and we promise you will get it back the second we are done. It won't be like Ares a few years back. Father please!"

I stood behind Nico silently as he has walked forward, I wasn't a fan of confrontation, Nico was an expert at it, I let him do his thing. He has a way of usually being able to perused our father. How? I have no idea.

"Nico, I cannot hand over my—"

"LISTEN!!! We are not asking you!! Father we have given you zero reasons not to trust us and have never let you down!! We are in midst of a war and you are being petty because you can be, everything we do everyday is to help the gods!! So...FOR ONCE!! HELP US!!" Nico screamed at our father.

Who...became speechless. He shrunk his size down to that of a human. He looked at Nico in the eyes and me as well.

Then he did something I never would have expected.

He smiled at us.

"You're right," he spoke softly and removed his helm. Nico took it shocked. I just stood there confused.

"What?" I whispered.

"After debating for three days you have proven to me once again your undying will power and stubbornness. I trust you my children. But if you do loose my helm I will punish you, I don't care of you are my children," Hades returned to his steely glare, but did give a slight wink.

Nico and I looked at one another with bags under our eyes and relief flooding our bodies.

We got the helm.

Nico placed it in the bag Hermione had given us with some spell that extended it. The helm dropped right in with no problem.

"Also get out before I change my mind," our father said with a nod and wave of his hands.

We quickly turned to walk out. Once we exited the castle we revived a Iris message from Thalia.

We stopped in our tracks, "Uh....hi?" Nico said.

Thalia smiled, "They're down below guys!"

I looked at Nico confused, "Thalia, we need to hurry up and get out of the underworld actually, we got the helm and dad told us to get out before he changes his mind. This took three days to acquire. What's so important?"

The Tale of the Lost Sister a PJO/HP CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now