I Annoy Repair Boy

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Piper's POV:

I feel bad I didn't fight Scylla but I also was useless in that fight...so I had no regrets just staying with Jason during that. Anyway, so we're like a week and a half in and this quest already sucks. Hopefully we get a slight break from monsters but it is 12 powerful ass demigods plus a Satyr and an Oracle...we probably smell like a gods damn monster's all you can eat buffet.

Right now I am currently re-painting my room, because Annabeth and Leo thought it would be funny to paint it pink. So I am instead painting it a grayish brown color and then asking Rachel to paint feathers and tribal symbols of the Cherokee tribe.

Finally after like five days I finished painting the room the solid color. Once I was finished as of on cue Jason waltzed into my cabin and attacked me with a hug.

He leaned over so we'd fall on my bed. "Hey, Pipes, all the pink is gone finally. How happy are you about it?"

I laughed, "So happy, you do not understand." He pecked me on the lips which made me smile, "Hey could you grab me a feather from that drawer?" I asked him. He smiled and got up. He came back with a blue feather.

I started to braid it into my hair. "Thanks, Sparky."

Jason rolled his eyes, "I'm surprised no one has made a nickname to go along with my always falling unconscious or being injured during battles." he laughed.

"You're right, Leo is behind on his nickname game." I laughed, "Could you turn around or exit, I want to change out of these clothes." Jason nodded and turned around.

I threw on a black and white flannel and jeans, "Okay, you're good. Thanks. Now let's go, I want breakfast."

"So have you been up for hours painting, couldn't sleep, or just had a little bit left to paint? Cause it is early."

I shrugged, "Nightmares. I'll explain later, but they were at the same castle Rachel described to us. I think we should have a meeting today and discuss any dreams anyone has had."

Jason nodded, "Seen anything in your dagger?"

I shook my head, "To be honest I haven't been looking very much lately. After I saw that black water misleading thing..." thinking about that day still gave me chills. I shuddered at the thought, "I've just been less into looking into the blade."

I grabbed a bagel from a plate and walked up to the deck with Jason. Everyone was up there. Hazel, Frank, and Reyna were training. Percy and Annabeth were sitting together at the quarterdeck wall behind Leo and Bridget talking, Leo using the controls and Bridget just watching. Grover and Thalia were sitting down, eating, and playing a card game near the main mast. Nico, Rachel, and Will were watching them.

Jason and I walked over to Bridget and Leo. "Hey guys." I said smiling brightly. Bridget smiled back at me, Leo saluted, then went back to explaining something to Bridget.

"...Okay so, I installed a button that connects to every room and when the button is pressed it will trigger something to happen, because I decided why not surprise prank people." Leo said. Bridget laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Do anything too drastic to me and you are dead Valdez," she laughed.

Watching them I couldn't help but notice the chemistry and how Leo was totally blushing when she laughed.

"Leo, can I talk to in the foretop for a minute?" I asked Leo, then before he answered proceeded to drag him up the foremast.

"Jeez, Beauty Queen, what is up with you?" he asked rubbing his wrist.

"You like Bridget, I can tell. It is so obvious!" I smirked at him.

"Yell it out for everyone to hear will ya? I thought you don't care about this stuff?" he groaned.

I laughed, "When it comes to one of my best friends then yes I care!"

"Ugh, whatever. Maybe I like her a little bit but could you just leave it alone for now, I'm still hurt over Calypso and I don't want to ruin my friendship with Bridget either. I also don't even know if I really like her." He shrugged.

"Fine. But can I tell Jason?" I asked.

Leo rolled his eyes, "No! they're best friends and Jason will probably tell her on accident or something!! You and Nico are the only ones who know."

I was taken aback, "You told Nico before you told me?" I raised my eyebrow. That was an unlikely pair.

Leo rolled his eyes again, "No! He figured it out on the day we left. She had kissed my cheek and then after she left the roof he came up and I guess I was still blushing hard."

"SHE KISSED YOU?!" I said way louder than I meant to. I looked over the side...no one was looking up, "She kissed you?!" I said again but whispered this time.

"Yeah, Beauty Queen, on the cheek don't get your mascara in a twist. It is not that big of a deal by any means," Leo groaned putting his face in his hands.

I grinned, they were going to be so cute!! "You guys are gonna be so freaking cute, Holy Hera!!"

"PIPER!!! SHUT UP!!!" he yelled at me and got up and climbed back down, this time when I looked over the side the others were looking up.

Leo mumbled away grumbling and cursing going back to his controls. He purposefully did not look at or acknowledge Bridget now and just cursed and mumbled to himself.

Anyone reading the room now would know not to approach him.

Bridget walked over to me, her hands in the pockets of her unzipped blue sweatshirt, "What's got his bolts in a twist? Pipes what did you talk to him about that got him all riled up?"

"He is just being over dramatic, it is whatever. What is not whatever is I love your hair today...you have got to one teach me where you have time in the morning to do that and second how you do that in the first place," I said noticing her hair style of the day:

She just shrugged, "Takes practice I guess, living in the foster home I was always by myself while my foster siblings played and my foster mom yelled, so I found messing with my hair passed the time

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She just shrugged, "Takes practice I guess, living in the foster home I was always by myself while my foster siblings played and my foster mom yelled, so I found messing with my hair passed the time. And again with the how I have time, when you do something a million times it just becomes second nature."

"Yeah, I guess that is true...so...Bridget? Do you think anyone at camp is cute?"



Piper found out Leo's little secret!! now Leo will never catch a break between her and Nico lol. I hope y'all are enjoying the story. please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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