Time for a Change

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Ginny's POV:

I stood with my brother on the upper deck and we looked out at the ocean. It has been three days since Leo came to visit. I'd finally told Ron about Fred.

He had tears in his eyes, "Did you tell him that I love him and miss him?" he asked.

I put an arm around him, "Of course I did, Ron. He sends his own love back. He hopes that you are happy with Hermione and not letting anything hold you back."

"And you really think we'd be able to visit him if the gods offer us gifts from succeeding?" he asked me.

I nodded and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back and kissed my cheek and then went to go find Hermione. Grover then came up to me, "So, are you excited to meet another god?" he asked me.

I shrugged and leaned on the ships railing, "I don't know. If the gods really do control what happens then why did they let so many people I loved die?"

Grover chuckled a bit, "Believe me I've been asking that same question for years. I don't think they can plan out and change prewritten fate. Yes they can control the weather and stuff but I don't think they can fully control everything they just know what is going to happen and they can't change it."

I fiddled with my fingers, "So, how do you think we're going to save Poseidon. I thought that Leo and Piper had to open the prison for Hera last time a god was captured."

Grove shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe the wizards will help."

"True. Do you think we'll be there before or after the week is up?"

"At the speed we're at probably a day before," he told me and I nodded.

"Thanks Grover. I'm gonna go find Harry, any idea where he might be?" I asked.

"I think he's below deck in the Mess Hall with Jason and Percy. I could be wrong though," he said. I thanked him anyway and started heading to the Mess Hall.

Thankfully he was there, knowing that we were heading towards a huge battle I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could in case something happened.

The boys were playing a game of cards and Piper and Annabeth watched.

They looked up and smiled at me, "Hey, Gin." Harry said reaching his hand out for mine, I sat next to him.

"What are you guys playing?" I asked.

Piper answered, "It's call War. Each person playing gets and equal amount of the deck and you flip cards. Basically whoever has the highest card takes the hand and if there are two of the same number or face cards you have a war. Goal is to take the entire deck. It can takes hours."

I smiled, "Sounds cool. How long have you guys been playing?"

"Like an hour at least," Jason grumbled as he lost a hand to Percy. Harry didn't seem to discouraged about it though he had a lot of the cards right now.

Percy kissed Annabeth's hand on his shoulder, "Could you please get me a plate Wise Girl?" he asked softly. She smiled.

"No problem, Seaweed Brain," she got up and went to where we kept the plates and stuff. Even the little interactions between Percy and Annabeth were the cutest and I couldn't get over how perfect they were.

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