Annabeth and I Have a War

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[the picture has nothing to do with nothing, that is my puppy Brandi. Isn't she adorable😍she is still too young to come hone with us but only a few more weeks😁]

Leo's POV:


that was the only thing my baron could process right now...that and, "Uhhhhhhhh-mummmmmmmm-wahhhhhh?" I did not understand what is wrong with me. First I am speechless looking at her in a dress and then we she kisses my cheek my entire body got hot and I blushed like mad. It was just sisterly love, that was it....GAH!!

It had been a half an hour since Bridget went off and I was still in the same position on the roof looking like an idiot. Finally someone came up and snapped me out of my trance.

"Leo?" it was Nico.

"Hey, Nico, what's up?" I tried to sound casual but my voice came out like an octave higher.

" skip the casualties, what happened?" He sat down next to me. Which weirded me out...since when do Nico and I causally talk and since when was he interested in my life, yeah he is like a brother to me and stuff cause blah blah our whole group is a family but we don't usually hangout alone.

"Uh, muhum, flugfala," I tried to use real words when explaining but like it didn't work...obviously.

Nico squinted his eyes and looked at me, eyebrows furrowed, "It's a girl."

I was taken aback, "That was creepy weird. How did you do that."

Nico shrugged and said casually, "You're still blushing and messing up on how to speak properly and look really dumbfounded...well more than usual. Who is it?"

" are you even up here, does Jason just give you free access since he is like your Den Brother or whatever Zombie Dude?"

Nico rolled his eyes and scowled, "Yeah, whatever, move on. Who is it?"

I twiddled my thumbs and looked at the ground over the roof edge, "Would I die jumping from this height?" I questioned.

"No, not high enough, you'd break bones though. Who is it Commander Tool Belt?"

"Ugh!! Fine, Bridget...I think. kind of. I'm honestly just confused. Bad Boy Supreme doesn't get confused though. I'm Uncle Leo! She is like a sister to me!!"

Nico was silent for a second, but then just laughed, "I KNEW IT!" he laughed and pointed, "You couldn't take your eyes off her the first meeting then at the wedding and reception I caught you sneaking lots of glances at her!!" he practically screamed.

"Shush!!! Nico, could you say it any louder, I don't think they heard you down in Tartarus!!" I scolded him.

he kept laughing, I rarely saw him laugh, but it was nice when he did. After the Giant War and he met Will he'd lightened up ever so slightly. He was still very scary and emo like though, 99% of the time actually he is.

"Whatever Nico, I'll see you later. I'm gonna go check and make sure the boat is all set and on schedule for...whenever we are leaving," and with that I got up and left Nico laughing on the roof.

On my way to the boat I ran into Annabeth.

"Hey, Leo! Where are you headed?" she asked with a bright smile.

"Just headed to check everything on the boat, you wanna come with. Company for the two lonely people?" I suggested. She nodded.

"I'd be glad to come along, Leo," she mugged me with her arm jokingly and sibling like and we walked over to the boat.

"I was thinking...decorating, we start decorating rooms and stuff. Everyone brought what they want onto the ship already and all the furniture so I'm thinking we start organizing stuff, and maybe pranks Pipes and paint her room pink," I laughed.

Annabeth smiled and rolled her eyes, "Yeah...why not. Percy is with Bridget so I can't be with my husband so why not help you prank our friends."


"LEO!" Annabeth shriek when I flung paint at her.

We were painting the mess hall and it had been a few hours since we started out endeavors and I got bored...and we were both getting a bit delusional from the paint fumes and from doing it for so long.

"What? Your hair needed some coloring," I raised my hands in surrender. But she didn't care...

Then we just started flinging paint at each other and everywhere else. At some point someone walked in but didn't say anything. Annabeth and I were too invested in our paint war to look.

Eventually what felt like ten minutes we both both collapsed in fits of delusional laughter. I looked up and saw Will, he wasn't spared, he got caught in cross fire when he walked in I guessed. He had maybe colors splattered across his face and clothes.

He had his hands on his hips and was trying to wipe paint off his face and out of his hair. He looked at us with a disapproving look then smiled, "Isn't it Rachel who usually has the paint everywhere? And Annabeth, I would expect better of you."

Annabeth laughed, "We've been doing this for so long and snapped. The paint fumes don't help."

Will rolled his eyes, "Come onto the deck, get some fresh air. Everyone else is there too." He flicked his eyes around the room, "I like the colors and how it is messy, looks cool. Let's keep it."

I got up and offered Annabeth my hand as well. We walked up to the main deck where we were met with laughter and confused looks.

Rachel stares at us "offended", "Being covered in paint it my thing, why wasn't I invited?"

Percy just face palmed and Bridget laughed, she had a cute laugh.

"Yeah...we're gonna need serious showers, what are we all doing up here?" Annabeth asked putting her hands on her hips.

"We just haven't had a questers meeting in a while so it seemed appropriate," Frank told us. I walked over next to Bridget and smiled she just snorted at my appearance.

"You look like a rainbow threw up on you," she giggled.

I rolled my eyes, "Make fun all you want but you missed a great time. Uncle Leo, totally won that paint war. You should've seen me."

"Leo, you did not win," Annabeth snorted.

"Guys." Reyna said somewhere off to the side.

"Uh, yeah I did. I was on fire, I was blazing with paint throwing skillzzzzzz. With a 'Z'" I floated.

Annabeth just laughed, "Yeah, that it why you are covered in more paint than I am, Super Sized McShizzle Man." she mocked rolling her eyes.

"Guys." I heard Reyna again, but I wasn't paying attention.

"That is Mr. Super Size McShizzle Man to you—,"

"GUYS!!" Reyna yelled at all of us joking around. We all turned to her, "Rachel fainted and is having a seizure!!"

"Oh my gosh, Rachel!!" Thalia ran over and knelt down next to her, so did Grover he started doing nature healing magic. Will rushes over as well and started doing his healing thing.

"Oh no..." Jason said running his hands through his hair.

Rachel started to scream and thrash holding her head.

Bridget grabbed my hand and my body froze up, I looked at her looking at Rachel with a scared look.

Finally Rachel stopped thrashing and sat up, she looked at all of us with fear in her eyes, "It is time."

Gave Rachel a little Rafiki line, if you don't know what that means...shame on you. Go watch the Lion King. Please. Anyways, hope you liked at chapter. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

The Tale of the Lost Sister a PJO/HP CrossoverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora