Percy is Sick

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[again, photo is not relevant, just my puppy lol]

Annabeth's POV:

It felt unreal that I was going to be separated from Percy, for gods only know how long. It also felt unreal...that it was his idea. Even though I had been on the side to separate, I didn't think I would have to be away from him. It would be the first time since I went to follow the Mark of Athena. The last 4 days, everyone had been packing and preparing, the ship hadn't moved much, we were just in the water, anchored down. There was no point in going anywhere since we were all leaving and just need prep time. We were all heading off in the morning. The ship would be just Leo, Draco, Bridget, and me.

Percy's group was going to bring Nico and Hazel with them when they apparated back to the states, so they wouldn't exhaust their shadow travel, or waste time on the ship to bring them to the states, apparating was just easier. Hermione was taking them in pairs, it was easier to apparate two people at a time plus yourself rather than 6 plus yourself. But it would not take long so the ship would be empty very soon.

It is the fourth night since the discussion, and a few hours left to say goodbyes and good lucks.

I went over to Percy's cabin this night.

I knocked on the door, because I knew he was in there, he hadn't been anywhere else and no one had seen him for a while.

He opened the door, he looked exhausted, it was late at night and I don't know what it was but something inside me clicked. Something was wrong with Percy, seriously wrong. I couldn't believe I didn't notice it before. Because looking at his tired face I realized small details that I had previously thought nothing of about his behavior lately.

I could tell he hadn't been sleeping, but for how long it had been going on, I had no idea, he flashed me the sideways grin I'd grown to love, "Hey, Wise Girl. Everything okay?"

I looked at him, his smile didn't have the same mischievous energy as it usually did, and he eyes looked broken. I could tell the smile was fake, he wasn't smiling with his eyes, and looking at him closely for the first time in a while I could see that he was sunken and looked terrible, and as I kept thinking about it, I couldn't remember the last time I saw him eat more than a few bites of something. I felt tears prick at my eyes as I realized many things at once, "Percy..." my voice broke when I said it. I touched his face, he was cold.

He took my hand and moved it off his face, "What's wrong?" He kept up with his fake smile, as if nothing was going on.

"What's happened to you?" I asked softly. His smile wavered for a second.

then he put it back, "What do you mean, nothing had happened to me."

The more I looked at him the more I saw the changes, his face was thinner, he had huge bags under his eyes, and his eyes just didn't seem as bright as they usually always were. Tears started to fall down my face, "Percy, stop it. What's going on, if you thinking I am going to let you go tomorrow without you telling what in Hades name is going on with you than you are kidding yourself."

He faltered again, but this time he didn't go back to the fake face. He pulled me into his cabin, "Hey, Annabeth, Annabeth. It's okay, it's okay. Don't cry." He pulled me into a hug and rubbed my shoulder with his thumb. I pulled backed and looked at him.

"You look terrible, what happened? What can I do, I don't want to see you like this," I cried. "I don't understand how I didn't see it before? I'm so sorry."

He lead me over to his bed, we sat down, he cupped my face with his hand, "It's not your fault, Wise Girl. I didn't want anyone to know. I'm okay though, really. I haven't done anything to harm myself...I have just been feeling a lot of stress lately. You know it feels like all the scared and angry feelings that have built up inside me over the years is just breaking loose in a way. I'll get over it. I have just been having trouble sleeping and eating, I'm going to be fine."

I looked at him, the tears in his eyes said a different story, "When's the last time you slept or ate a proper meal?" I asked him. he looked down at his knees, "Perseus Jackson, I am your wife. Tell me right now. How long?"

"Our wedding night," he admitted. I cried harder.

"This has been going on a month in a half and you didn't tell me? What is wrong with you? I could've helped, Percy!" I forced both of us to stand, and started hitting him in anger, I don't think it hurt him though, they were wimpy punches I just needed to prove my point.

"Okay, okay," he got out between punches, he wrapped me up in a hug, I still struggled trying to get a few more hits in.

I looked up at him, "Remember the prophecy said to remember trust and friends!!! TRUST AND FRIENDS!!! You ignored both of those by not telling me!! YOUR WIFE!! It said we don't remember those we would be doomed!!!" I held me fast in his arms. His chin rested on my head.

"Stay here tonight." he whispered, "Maybe it will help me sleep."

I looked up at him, "If you thought I was leaving you in here by yourself after realizing everything and what you just told me then you really are a Seaweed Brain."

We laid together snuggled in his bed, even though I wanted to drift asleep...I knew I couldn't until I knew he was sleeping. Every few minutes I would look up at him. His eyes were so sunken, I knew he was desperate for rest, but also in his eyes was fear of all the things he dreaded. failing, mine and his sister's death, and splitting up away from both of us. He would have no control if something happened after tonight.

"Percy...please sleep," I whispered into his neck. "You have a long journey ahead, we all do. You need to be healthy."

"Annabeth...I can't," he got up and walked out of the room. I got an idea.

I went to Piper's cabin, "Pipes?" I whispered.

"Huh?" I heard a muffled voice from the dark. "Who is it?"

"It's Annabeth, I need your help. It's Percy."


We were back in Percy's cabin, Piper kept giving me "why were you here anyways?" looks to tease me. I told her the story though. Also, what I wanted her to do.

"This...seems kind of shady, but he is one of my closest friends and if it will benefit him, then I'll do it," she said.

"Thank you Piper, I'm worried about him. He hasn't been eating properly or sleeping in like two months, I'm scared to let him go today, if I think he won't take care of himself."

We waited in the room until we heard footsteps, Percy was back, when he walked into the room Piper walked up to him, "Hey, Piper? What are you doing here?"

"Sleep." she said simply. But her voice carried so much power I almost fell dead asleep where I stood as well. Percy began to fall. I rushed to catch him.

We set him up in his bed. I looked at him, he looked at peace, I hoped his dreams were not of terror and fear.

Now all I had to do was talk to Hermione.


I hope this didn't seem sudden, I tried to obviously hint at Percy's distress in previous chapters. But anyways hope you are enjoying, please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

The Tale of the Lost Sister a PJO/HP CrossoverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon