The Talk...

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Frank's POV:

Hermione was a mystery to me. The only god/goddess I could think of to be her parent was Hecate but that seems too easy and obvious. But she is incredible at magic.

I've also heard of an old legend but I wasn't going to mention it unless I had to. Hecate in the old stories had power over heaven, earth, and sea and bestowed wealth and all the blessings of daily life and she also was the goddess of pathways. From an old legend it was told that one of her children would be gifted power among her other offspring, power coming close to match her own while still being half mortal. This could mean disaster or greatness for our side of the war depending if Hermione is that child. There is a low chance but I wasn't going to out rule anything yet.

I hid the vials and Medusa head safely away and we were off to gather more information on the original dagger. I had a feeling it was in Rome. So we went to a library.

Hermione and Reyna headed for the books with Reyna while Jason, Percy, and I took computers in a private study group room and began our research.

"Hey, guys? Do you think it's weird to be married and not even had sex yet?" Percy questioned us while we worked.

"Uhhhhhh, I don't know bro. Have you and Anna seriously never—"

"No, we haven't," Percy cut Jason off, "Have you and Piper?"

Jason scoffed, "Gods no, sorry, I guess the way I said that made it seem like we have. Frank?"

The boys looked at me, I honestly didn't want to answer, "That's a private question." I went back to my computer.

Jason looked back at Percy, "Have you ever?"

Percy shook his head, "You?" Jason also shook his head, "Wow, we're almost 18 and virgins. I mean, I honestly don't feel ready. Even though I'm married we still feel too young, cause what if I got her pregnant than that would just cause a bunch of problems at this point in our lives."

Jason shrugged, "I mean, Piper and I have gotten close but we always stop before it goes to far. She wants to wait and I'm okay with that."

I just stayed quiet and continued looking at my computer, I could feel my friends eyes boring into my soul though. I looked at them and they were looking at me expectantly.

"Frank if you're a virgin it is okay, we both are too, I have a feeling most of us are in our group," Percy shrugged.

"Ugh," I broke, "I'm not."

They both completely stopped what they were doing and looked at me, "Hazel?" they said at the same time.

I nodded, "Once. It felt right and it just happened okay. I was ready and apparently so was she, I guess 70 or 80 years of literally nothing and having your life depend on a stick prepares you to be ready younger."

"Okay but we also all risk our lives everyday, we are not judging you by any means we're just surprised," Percy stated.

"I know. It's okay, I mean we're having a mature conversation," I said with a smile.

"Who's having a mature conversation, cause I bet my ass it ain't any of you," Reyna and Hermione walked in with piles of books in hand.

"So? What are we talking about?" Hermione asked with a pleasant smile.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh," we all mumbled in unison.

"Boys, if you can't say it with us maybe you just shouldn't have been talking about it, I thought it was a mature conversation though," Hermione stated with a smirk.

All three of us looked at each other.

"So what'd you guys find?" Jason stated in a louder voice.

The girls just laughed, "Anything in Roman Mythology we could get our hands on. Hopefully, but I'm sure if you just look the dagger up it will tell you where it it displayed if it is in a museum," Reyna said opening her first text to the index.

I felt confident with how far along we were, while this next task was going to take a little bit of work and a longer period of time we already were set with two of our items and probably would have less risking life and limb to gather this last one.

Well...maybe not less on the way there.

I felt pretty glad this was a more chill day...until they came.

We were all studying until the girls came in.

Three tall blonde girls in cheerleading uniforms walked into the room. Immediately we knew they were empousa, we could tell because Hermione's face changed with confusion. She obviously didn't see three normal girls.

Another sign that made me think she was a Daughter of Hecate she was in no way effected by the mist. I watched Percy uncap his pen behind his back and Jason also drew his. Reyna grabbed a knife and also hid it. Hermione's wand was drawn. Since a bow and arrow isn't discreet I just pulled out my knife that I kept on hand for emergencies.

The girls took interest mostly in Percy and Jason. They began to walk towards us when Hermione began to yell a spell but the empousi were quick they took no time or effort knocking the wand out of the witch's hand that was now shaking slightly.

The monster that knocked Hermione's wand away look at her with a sarcastic snarky smile, "Aw, look, a little confused demigod. Can't wait to get rid of you, the Eternal Mother will be very pleased with us to get five demigods out of her way. If I were you, I'd give up, you're not cut out for this and you never will be, because you're weak."

"What do you mean us?" I laughed behind the empousi who had been to busy to notice us slice her friends in half. She whirled around and was shocked enough for Reyna to have a window to stab her through the heart.

I looked at Hermione. Just like after the Medusa battle she looked extremely shaken.


She was hugging her knees and I saw tears in her eyes. Reyna knelt down with her, "Hermione? What's going on, you're shaking and crying."

Hermione looked up at all of us, we all sat with her, "I'm not cut out for this at all. I have no idea what I am doing. That thing is right, I should give up. Who am I kidding. I can barely help with the spells I've been doing since I was 11 because I'm scared and confused. I just—I don't want to let anyone down but everything I have done lately has let you guys down and put the mission at risk."

I breathed and looked at Hermione, "Hermione, you have told us incredible stories of all the things you have done. Just because it is new doesn't mean you aren't cut out for this, you aren't as used it as us. Nothing that comes out of a monsters mouth or even a god usually ever should mean anything to you. If we thought like that we'd all be dead. You are strong and have not let us down. It isn't your fault that a million things have hit you like a bud recently. It'd difficult to keep up with new things as they come and it doesn't help if they continue to pile on. I promise you have nothing to be scared about, we're here for you every step."she looked up at my with tears still in her eyes and was able to give me a small smile.

Slowly we helped her get up from where she was sitting and as she went over to reach for her wand, she didn't even have to touch it or say anything and it flew to her.

"What in the name of—"

"Holy Hades." Percy cut her off looking up above her. We all looked up and gasped.

Above Hermione's head with a circle inclosed with green fire. Greek fire. It was the symbol of Hecate, there were also two crossing torches in front of the circle.

"'re mother is the goddess of magic. And one of the most powerful gods ever," I breathed simply.


So...there's that. Hope y'all like this chapter, idk what to say about it tbh. please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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