The Game Begins

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Nico's POV:

I wasn't exactly thrilled about play Truth or Dare, but it would distract me from the quest that I was even less thrilled about, so I played. I pulled Annabeth aside before we started.

"If we use powers and stuff, maybe Bridget will show signs of who her father is," I suggested.

"Maybe, but I think she might be a child of the Big Three in all honesty," Annabeth whispered back to me. "The prophecy said this new child beat all odds. It reminded me of the Great Prophecy about Percy, you know 'a half-blood of the eldest gods will reach 16 against all odds' and she is 16...and she said she has a mortal mother, she doesn't know who or where but she does, cause she has the engagement ring and Big Three are all is just a theory though."

I thought about this, "Yeah and it is a good one. Maybe we should have Percy drench he with water to see if she gets wet, or see if she can talk to horses/pegasus. Or we can tell her to jump of Jason's roof and see if she can fly. Or I'll summon skeletons and she if she can control them..."

Annabeth nodded at the idea but then said, "We don't really want to rush this though. Remember, sooner she gets claimed, sooner we probably have to leave. We need time. I say we just let it happen naturally with a claiming or wait for a sign to show accidentally." I nodded back. It was a good idea.

"Hey Wise Girl, Ghost King. You guys coming?" Leo called. We both walked back over to the group and sat in the circle. Leo then looked to Bridget, "Okay Newbie, this isn't regular Truth or Dare, this is demigod Truth or Dare. It gets very intense."

she rolled her eyes, "I just went three months traveling from Tennessee to here with barely any showers, processing that I am a demigod alone, teaching myself to fight, almost not money, food, or water. and only really the clothes on my back. Plus the monsters every two steps. Try me with intense." She did have a very good getting here story. We all did, but hers was...lonely. At least the rest of us usually had a few other demigods and a satyr or just sometimes a satyr, and the Romans had Lupa for a while to train them to be good alone and strong. She really had been all alone and had no trainer.

"Okay shall we start?" Reyna asked clapping her hands together. Everyone nodded, "Alright I'll spin first." once she did it landed on Will. "Truth or Dare Will?"

"Truth." he said.

"boring, but okay. When did you first start liking Nico?" she asked.

" the first time I saw him after he came back here with the statue," he admitted.

I looked at him shocked, "Really? That long?" I joked but I was silently and secretly flattered.

"yeah, yeah. My turn," he spun it and it landed on...


"Truth or Dare?" Will asked.

she rolled her eyes, "Dare."

Will smiled, "Okay, I dare you to go into Cabin 1 and say something offensive about Zeus."

"I suggest you say 'Hippie Zeus' that'll get him riled up," Jason smirked.

Bridget spoke up, "Hey Manny, Is that what—."

Jason nodded. I didn't know what in the name of Athena they were on about. But him and Bridget laughed. I also noticed Piper had look of...jealously? Probably nothing. I got up from my seat to stretch my legs while waiting for Annabeth.

When I sat back down Annabeth came back through the door sopping wet.

"Percy! Fix this!" she yelled. Percy put a hand on her shoulder and absorbed all the water on her into his body.

"Come on Wise Girl, your turn now," Percy laughed.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is not the end of Piper's small jealously...enough said. Next chapter will be more focused on the game. Again, if any of you have any suggestions for dares or truths let me know. Please send feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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