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Nico's POV:

"HOLY HADES!" I shrieked. The second I materialized again I fell over...into a pond.

"Sorry," Hermione gasped, she was on her feet, I could hear Percy laughing next to her.

I looked up and Percy and glared, I spit out water and growled, "Shut it, Water Boy."

"Not my fault that you're clumsy, Zombie Boy," he said mockingly. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be right back guys," Hermione disapparated again.

Percy dried me off and we waited by the pond while Hermione finished up bringing everyone over. I didn't know exactly where we were, I just knew it was the woods somewhere. Hermione would tell us when she finished bringing everyone.

Finally she got back with the last two in the group, we all sat by the pond organizing our stuff and collecting ourself, apparating was a worse feeling than shadow travel in my opinion. Especially cause there is the risk of splinching, which Hermione told me was leaving a piece of yourself behind.

"Okay, guys, so right now we are in Tonto National Forest, it's in Arizona, my family and I took a trip here once, I just remembered it, it is on of the few places I have been in America. I've luckily been to New Jersey as well, but I don't know how close it will be to Auntie Em's." she said and looked at Percy, he shrugged.

"It's okay, as long as we can figure out where we are I know where the emporium is and can get us there, we ready to go?" he asked the others in his group.

Frank and Reyna nodded, Reyna came over and gave me a hug, "Be careful, Neeks. You too Hazel, I'd prefer if you both came back alive."

Hermione hung onto the three of them and they were gone in a flash.

I looked at Hazel, "You can still shadow travel right?"

She looked at me with a dull face, "Seriously..." I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand.

"Let's go then," I looked at her, "Think about this, DOA Recording Studios Los Angeles."

Hazel looked at me skeptically, "That's pretty far, won't we be like really drained."

Nico shook his head, "We've both gotten stronger and we're working together so it will only drain half as much as it would if we were doing the trip each individually."

We grabbed hands and both thought. Then we dematerialized into shadows. We arrived exactly where we had to be, but even though we shared the burden of power I did admit I felt woozy.

Hazel doubled over and then slowly lowered herself onto the ground, "What was that you were saying about it not affecting us as badly." she looked up at me and was breathing heavy in an attempt to laugh probably.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Shut it. I guess it was farther than I thought. At least we're here, now we can just rest. We have time, probably a lot more than the others. Besides, in a way right now we are in the least dangerous situation because worst case dad just tells us to go away and doesn't give us the helm, we're his kids he won't kills us or hurt us."

Hazel shrugged, she started to fiddle with a bracelet she was wearing, it wasn't familiar to me. it was a gold chain and a gold plaque attached in the middle, the plaque had roman numerals on it.

"What's that?" I asked her, she looked at the bracelet.

"Oh, Frank bought it for me, after the war, he bought it in New Rome. The numbers are the date we met," she smiled. "I'm glad I have something I can have of him with me while we're apart. Has Will ever given you a gift?"

I looked at my sister and sighed, I hadn't told anyone about this, I pulled a long chain out from under my shirt, it had a black stainless steel ring with a chain design around the center. When Hazel saw she gasped and put her hands over her mouth.

I rolled my eyes, "It's not what you think. He gave it to me on my birthday. It doesn't mean anything."

She raised her eyebrow, "Usually a ring doesn't mean 'nothing' Neeks, so...what does the ring mean?"

"Nothing!" I threw my arms out, "Jeez, Haze. On rare occasion...a ring is just a ring. It also isn't even on my finger."

She furrowed her eyebrows and squinted her eyes, "Well no duh, you obviously didn't want people to see it. If this ring really is just a regular old ring then why would you hide it?"

I scowled. "Whatever, let's just rest, do we want to just sleep on the ground or do you want to try and find a hotel or an inn, or something."

Hazel shrugged, "I mean, Thalia actually gave me one of the fancy Hunter pop up tents."

I glared at her, "Why didn't you tell me that when we left I've been stressing about where we would sleep since we left!!"

Hazel just laughed, "I didn't think it matter if I said it or not!!"

"Well...yeah that's true, I think I just need something to freak out and grumble about to function, and I can't grumble about Will so..." I looked at the ground, "Well, not not actually grumble about him, grumble to him about how I don't need to see a doctor or whatever, I don't really know. I think for once in my life I actually am nervous that something bad will happen." I collapsed onto the ground in crisscross applesauce.

"Neeks, what's going on?" she asked me, sitting next to me.

I felt tears prick at my eyes, "I'm so worried about Will. I feel like I did when Bianca left for that quest, and then when she didn't come back...that was the worst pain I have ever felt. What if that happens to Will, or Reyna, or I screw up and loose you on my watch. If anyone from camp that is on this quest gets hurt or missing or dies...I have lost so many people and I have pushed so many away, the only people I have are the people we just separated from..."

Hazel put her arms around me, "Nico, everyone is going to be okay, we're all going to be safe. Everything always ends up okay, and you know what. I am even going to swear on River Styx that everything will be fine." Thunder rolled in the distance. "Because if I'm wrong, the world will end anyway so it doesn't matter if I die from a stupid oath."

I looked at her, "Haze, what if someone dies but we still succeed, then not everything is fine and you pay the price."

"NICO!!" Hazel yelled at me, "Calm down. You need to just sleep. So GO TO BED!!" She threw the portable tent down and it popped up fully functional. "Get in."



I feel like I have to say this because I am so completely flattered, THANK YOU FOR 2k+ READS. Anyways haha, I'm showing Nico's more sensitive side I hope you guys like it. Even though Nico is older I felt it'd be good to show Hazel more protective and responsible side. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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