59. Work

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Modern AU. I will be using Emma for Belgium's human name.


92. Work

(Y/n) yawned as she scribbled the answers to her homework. She quickly solved them and continued to answer them one by one.

"Three more pages left to go," she sighed.

Then, someone knocked on the door. (Y/n) carefully got up from her pile of blankets and waddled her way to the door. She opened the door to see Antonio standing outside with a box of food.

"Hi, Antonio," she said tiredly.

"Oh dear, chica, did you not sleep yet?" he fretted.

"No. I pulled an all-nighter to finish my biology project. I'm just finishing up the math homework."

"You should sleep."

"Everything is due tomorrow at 9 AM."

"That's fine," Antonio said, "Come on, you need to get out of your room."

"Do I have to?" (Y/n) frowned.



The (h/c)-haired girl unwrapped herself from her cocoon of blankets and threw on a sweater. She grabbed her keys and went out the door. Antonio smiled and (Y/n) sighed before locking the door.

"Where are we going?" she asked as they walked.

"We're meeting with Lovi and Emma!" Antonio hummed.

"And where are we going?"

"I don't know," he shrugged.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. They walked through the campus and made their way to the main doors.

"(Y/n)!" Emma waved as they approached.

"Hi, Emma," (Y/n) replied.

"It's been a while since I've seen you."

"I've been holed up in my room for the past three days."

"No wonder," she sighed, "You work too hard."

"Si, si," Antonio ruffled (Y/n)'s hair.

"You should-a take a break," Lovino said.

"Yeah, I probably should," she nodded.

"Well, we're having a break now!" Emma exclaimed.


"You can't always be working," Antonio smiled, "Take a break once in a while! Have fun!"

"Si," Lovino agreed.

"I hate school so much sometimes," (Y/n) bemoaned.

"Mood," Emma declared.

They laughed together.


Thanks for reading!

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