54. Ghost

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Sometimes I guilt myself into thinking these aren't long enough but then I remember these are supposed to be short stories. I don't know what to use for Thailand's human name so I'm going to use Taiao. It's random but it's something.


13. Ghost

When (Y/n) was five, she saw people.

They were lightly transparent and she could see through them. Other people didn't seem to notice them though so she didn't try to talk to them. It was odd, hearing them argue like old friends while still ignoring them. Many different people came and went, each of them as unique as the last.

(Y/n) thought she would like to talk to them one day, no matter how weird they were.


It was strangely empty at the park today.

(Y/n) swung her herself on the swings as she watched the scene in front of her fold out. There were four people around. They each had blonde hair however one of them had blue eyes, another had green and the last two had purple eyes. They were arguing about something, but about what, she didn't know.

"I bloody told you, that was years ago!"

"It was a war!"

"Come on! That war ended so long ago, dude."

"You should calm down, eh?"

(Y/n) sighed and kicked her feet on the ground. They were fairly loud even though everyone else probably couldn't see them.

"Be quiet for a bit, would you?" she grumbled.

The four of them stopped suddenly.

"Er, you talking 'bout us, little dudette?" the man with blue eyes asked as he pointed.

"Who else is here?" (Y/n) snarked.

"You can see us?" the man with a soft voice asked.

They looked skeptical but after a few words passed around, it was clear she could see them.

"Oh man, I gotta tell the others!" Alfred, as (Y/n) later found out, exclaimed.

"I'm sure t'ey would be delighted to know," Francis nodded.

"What year is it right now by the way?" Arthur raised an eyebrow.


"Oh," Matthew hummed.

"Ha! I told you the war was already over!" Arthur smirked.

"Hmph!" Francis crossed his arms and turned his head.

This would definitely be interesting.


"Pst! Zhe answer is 1178," Gilbert whispered.

The quiet scritch-scratch of a pencil against paper was heard throughout the class.

"Jou're not supposed to tell her zhe answer!" Ludwig angrily whispered, "Zhis is a test!"

"Jou're too uptight! And It's not cheating since we're not alive, ja?"

Gilbert floated above everyone, looking at their test. Ludwig sighed, exasperated and crossed his arms.

"Vhen vas zhe date zhe Berlin wall came down..." a student murmured under their breath.

Ludwig and Gilbert both froze and a frown etched into their faces. (Y/n) sent concerned looks their way and stopped writing for a second.

"November 9, 1989," Ludwig said quietly.

(Y/n) wrote down the date and gave a look that said they would have to talk about this later. Gilbert nodded and went back to hovering around the students. She was sure there was a story behind this but she wouldn't push them if they didn't want to speak.

It's not like she couldn't infer already.


"I can't believe you're graduating, aru!" Yao wiped his eyes.

"Hai! You seemed to smarr back then," Kiku dramatically sighed.

"We should get the fireworks, yeah?" Leon said.

"It's been so long," Lien agreed.

"I'm not that old," (Y/n) dryly said, "And it's only high school."

"Yeah but still!" Mei eagerly smiled.

"Ana~ You can't get fireworks, Leon," Taiao said, "We're still dead."

(Y/n) hummed and kicked her feet back and forth.

"It feels like it's been so long since I met all of you," (Y/n) commented.

"Yeah," Yao replied.

"University is going to be hard," Kiku said.

(Y/n) laughed and held up a cup.

"Cheers to graduating, I guess."

They cheered with her.


"Hey, do you know how to stop someone from bleeding out?" (Y/n) asked casually.

"Eh?" Ivan tilted his head, "You put pressure on the wound with a cloth, tissue or gauze, da?"

"If the blood soaks through, put more material on it," Katyusha added.

"And wash your hands after," Natalya rolled her eyes.

"Okay, thanks."


Thanks for reading!

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