28. Short

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Reader-san is short in this theme so if you're tall, I'm sorry. I myself am barely above 150 cm or 4 feet 11 inches.


145. Short

(Y/n) was short. Not as short as some countries like Latvia but still short enough that taller nations loved patting her head and lifting her up like she was a child. She was not a child she would pout. She was even older than some of them too!

She blamed her height for being treated like a child. So, here are some adventures with (Y/n) and taller nations.


Sweden was one of the frequent nations that patted (Y/n)'s head. He was tall and kind of scary but really nice.

(Y/n) was helping him with putting together some furniture from IKEA with him. The pieces weren't too complicated and it was fun to work together to assemble something. After they finished, a drawer was fully functional.

"Th'nk you, (Y/n)," Sweden muttered.

"You're welcome, Sweden!" (Y/n) cheerily said as she brushed some dust off her pants and stood up. While standing up Sweden was almost 30 cm taller that (Y/n).

Sweden gave her a small hidden smile and patter her head.

"Hey!" (Y/n) yelped as she tried to brush the taller nations hands away from her head.

"I'm not that short!" she pouted.

"Sur'," Sweden said.


Now, Russia was tall. That was an undisputable fact. And he oh so often lifted (Y/n) up onto his shoulders but he always treated her delicately like glass.

Today was a cold snowy day. (Y/n) walking outside with Russia by her side. They were actually rather good friends at least compared to some of Russia's relationships with other countries.

It probably looked strange, a tiny short girl walking beside such a tall man. The height difference was quite a sight.(Y

/n) squealed as Russia suddenly picked her up and set her on his shoulders.

"Russia!" she frowned.

"Da, sunflower?" Russia said. He sounded amused.

"Put me down!"

"But you walk too slowly. Stay still up there, da?"

"Fine," she sulked.

They continued walking with (Y/n) on Russia's shoulder.


Germany was taller than (Y/n). That was pretty obvious. Thankfully, he didn't baby her like some other nations tended to do since she was short. Now that she thinks about she's older than Germany. Huh.

"I finished all the paperwork, Germany!" (Y/n) shouted in relief since that pile of paperwork was very large.

"Ja, good job, (Y/n)," the German said.

He walked over to her desk as she pulled all the papers together in one cohesive pile. She handed the pile to him.

"Danke," he said as his hand reached over to her head and ruffled her hair.

"Germany!" (Y/n) pouted as she smoothed her hair down again.

This was one of the rare times where he actually ruffled her hair so she could be more forgiving about it.

"Just don't do that too often."


Netherlands saw (Y/n) as sort of like a little rabbit. She was small and cute.

They were at a pretty crowded concert that (Y/n) had paid for and invited him because "he seemed like he wanted something to do".

She had a hand on his wrist in order to prevent the two from getting separated. Once they found a place where they wouldn't be pushed around they stayed there. Unfortunately, (Y/n) was too short and couldn't see the main stage.

"Aw, I can't see the stage," she said sadly.

Netherland took one look at her and almost crumpled. She was so petite that it would be impossible for her to even get a glimpse of the stage.

He picked her up and set her on his shoulder.

"Better, ja?"

Her eyes sparkled when she could see the actual concert.

"Yeah! Thanks!"

"You're welcome."

The two of them enjoyed the concert that day.


Denmark usually treated (Y/n) like she was a child even though he acted like an excited child himself.

"Put me down!" (Y/n) demanded when Denmark picked her up.

"Hm... Nah!" he said as he swung her around in circles.

"Why not!?" she whined childishly.

"Because you're so tiny! And this is fun!" he said cheerfully.

"I am not a child!" she fumed.

"But..." Denmark adopted a kicked puppy look.

(Y/n) broke the instant the expression appeared.

"Okay, fine. You can continue."



This theme is short, each scene is short, I'm short, and Reader-san is short. Thanks for reading!

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