22. Neighbour

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29. Neighbour

Sometimes, (Y/n) really regretted moving into her current neighbourhood. It was the strangest neighbourhood ever. It was like it was split in two.

There's one side where everything was pretty normal and the other side where it wasn't. They were like polar opposites. The strange thing was that everyone had a cousin on one of the other sides so they all knew each other.

And guess what. Her house was smack dab right in the middle of the two sides.

(Y/n) walked out of her house quietly to not disturb her neighbours. She shut the door and walked down the stairs of her front porch and looked around for any of the people of her neighbourhood. She certainly didn't want to encounter any of them because of the fact they seemed to always get into an argument with their cousins when she was around.

Her hopes of not encountering anyone were gone when one of her neighbours walked out of his door.

"Ciao, Bella!" he greeted cheerfully.

"Hello, Feliciano," (Y/n) managed to say before he tackled her into a hug.

"How are-a you, Bella? Do you-a want some pasta?"

(Y/n) stumbled a little in an effort to catch the excited Italian but was able to keep herself and Feliciano from falling to the ground.

"I'm good and no I'm fine, I don't need pasta right now."

"Ciao, ragazza," another voice called out. (Y/n) turned her head to see who it was.

Lovino Vargas was Feliciano's brother and it made sense why he would be outside when Feliciano was. And then again, Feliciano can rarely be trusted with being alone for more than a minute.

"Hello, Lovino."

Feliciano had started blabbing about pasta and noodles and was still clinging onto (Y/n).

"Feliciano, can you please get off."

The Italian tilted his head before releasing her from his grasp, "Okay, Bella!"

"Thank you."

At the moment, another one of her neighbours walked out his door. This time it was someone from the other side.


It was Feliciano and Lovino's cousin. The scarier one. (Y/n) shifted her eyes between the three Italians delicately.

Another important thing to note was that everyone on each side took to convincing (Y/n) to join their side as a hobby since she lived in the middle house.

"Greetings, Luciano."

The Italian smirked.

"Have you decided which-a side you wanted to join?" he said smoothly, "Perhaps you could join-a mine, Bella."

(Y/n) was about to answer but Lovino beat her to the chase.

"Like-a hell she's going to-a join you!"

Thus a screaming fest began between the two Italians while Feliciano obliviously smiled. (Y/n) could feel a headache beginning to approach and slipped away before it could get worse. The female sighed in relief when she finally got away and none of the Italians noticed her escape. She was able to walk about three meters before another voice called out.

"Herro, (Y/n)-san."

She turned her head, sighed and greeted the Japanese man in front of her, "Hello, Kuro."

"Kon'nichiwa, (Y/n)-san." (Look! A wild Japanese man has appeared)

"Hello, Kiku."

The two cousins glared respectfully (how do they even do that?) at each other as a greeting.

"Have you picked a side yet?" Kiku asked her.

"Hai, have you?"

"No, I haven't."

"Very werr. You do not need to rush your decision," Kiku nodded politely.

"Hai. But do know, the others are getting restress," Kuro smirked before heading off, "Goodbye (Y/n)-san."

(Y/n) dipped her head in acknowledgment, "Goodbye to you too Kuro."

"I shourd arso be going now. Fericiano is most rikely doing something right now that wirr get him in troubre."

(Y/n) let out a breathy laugh and smiled, "Goodbye, then Kiku. I'll see you later."

"Goodbye (Y/n)-san."

He twisted on the balls of his feet and walked away. (Y/n) walked leisurely away in order to do what she originally wanted to do. As much as she might regret moving into her neighbourhood, she wouldn't trade it for the world.


I'm still stressed. Thanks for reading!

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