43. Chat Room

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26. Chat Room

[A New Chatroom Has Opened]

(U/n) has entered the chatroom

(U/n): Anyone on?

The Hero has entered the chatroom

The Hero: Hey, dudette!

English Gentleman has entered the chatroom

English Gentleman: Why the bloody hell are you two online? It's two in the morning!

Become One With Mother Russia had entered the chatroom

Become One With Mother Russia: It is early, da?

Chinese Food has entered the chatroom

Chinese Food: Aiya! You're still up?

French Food has entered the chatroom

French Food: Why are you all on? I need my beauty sleep.

Maple has entered the chatroom

Maple: We still have a meeting today. Why are you up so early?

Ve~ has entered the chatroom

Ve~: Do you want pasta?

Anime has entered the chatroom

Anime: It's so early.

Germany has entered the chatroom

Germany: Why are all of you on?

(U/n): I couldn't sleep.

The Hero: I was bored and (U/n) was on!

English Gentleman: I got two notifications.

Become One With Mother Russia: I got a notification like England.

Chinese Food: I was cooking.

French Food: Angleterre was on the chat and la jolie (Y/n) was also on.

[Angleterre: England (French)]

[La jolie: The pretty (French)]

Maple: I couldn't sleep.

Ve~: I was making pasta!

Anime: I was still binge watching anime.

(U/n): The meeting taking place today isn't too important.

Germany: All meetings are important!

Chinese: All you westerners do is argue.

The Hero: Ooooooo. Savage.

Maple: Alfred!

(U/n): Don't be rude, America. You're part of that group.

Become One With Mother Russia: Kolkolkol, Capitalist pig.

English Gentleman: I thought I raised you better than that America.

The Hero: What do you mean? (Y/n) raised me for most of my time as a colony.

(U/n): What anime were you watching Kiku?

Anime: I was re-watching "Hunter X Hunter".

(U/n): I haven't watched that one in a while.

Germany: Why are you making pasta at two in the morning?!

Ve~: I was hungry!

(U/n): Which kitchen are you in?

Ve~: 5. The one next to the big area!

(U/n) I'm going down there. Can I have some of the pasta!

Ve~: Si!

(U/n): Thanks!

Germany: You're actually going down there?

(U/n): It's free food.

French Food: I could have cooked for you if you wanted food, (Y/n).

Chinese Food: I could've too!

(U/n): You guys can come down too if you want.

The Hero: Cool! I'm going down with you dudette!

Become One With Mother Russia: I can come down too, da?

Maple: We should really go back to sleep.

English Gentleman: Yes. Stop blowing up my phone with notifications.

The Hero: Whatever, Artie.

Anime: I still need to finish another episode.

(U/n): I'm going down to kitchen 5 now Feliciano.

Ve~: Okay!

(U/n) has left the chatroom

Ve~ has left the chatroom

Chinese Food has left the chatroom

French Food has left the chatroom

Become One With Mother Russia has left the chatroom

Germany has left the chatroom

Maple has left the chatroom

The Hero has the chatroom

English Gentleman has left the chatroom

Anime has left the chatroom

[Chatroom Closed]


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