Where We Are - Part Two

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some of you guys asked for this so enjoy :) <3

            The summer months finally came and my birthday arrived and I had my day planned out. I was going to spend the day with Camille and Alyssa and then my parents and aunt and uncle were coming into the city so we could all go out for dinner together. My birthday luckily fell on a Saturday so I took off from work and slept in.

            I dragged myself out of bed at quarter to ten and started my pot of coffee. I was just scrolling through my phone and leaning against my counter when I heard my front door open softly. I looked up at my phone and nearly screamed when Harry poked his head into the kitchen with his big, dorky smile on his face.

            I dropped my phone on the counter and ran the five feet to where he was standing and threw my arms around his neck as he picked me up and my legs wrapped around his waist. It had been nearly three months that he’d been gone and I was practically crying into the side of his neck since he had given me no information whatsoever that he was coming to see me on my birthday. I pulled back and kept shaking my head as I held his face in my hands. He was just smiling and chuckling a little bit at my excitement. “You’re here…”

            “Happy birthday, beautiful,” he whispered with a smile.

            “You didn’t tell me you were coming,” I whispered and Harry chuckled. “I thought you would forget…”

            “How could I forget my girl’s birthday?” Harry chuckled and I sniffled. “I hope I didn’t ruin your plans for today or anything. I wanted it to be a surprise.” I still had my arms around his neck and my hands ran through his hair. I softly kissed him and he pulled back smiling. “What time are you going out with your friends?”

            “Camille, Alyssa, and I were gonna all do something at around 1ish, but you can definitely come,” I rushed and Harry smiled.

            “I don’t want to intrude on your girl time,” Harry told me.

            “Dude, you flew all the way from…”

            “France,” Harry filled in.

            “To see me on my birthday. You’re coming with us.”

            Harry chuckled. “I want to take you out for breakfast first,” he said as he slowly let me back down to the floor. I hadn’t even realized he’d been holding a bouquet of red roses that he handed to me. I put my hand over my mouth and took them from him before I hugged him again.

            “I love you so much…” I whispered into his black, band t-shirt. He chuckled again.

            “I love you more,” he hummed as he stroked my hair.

            “I’m gonna put these in a vase, then get changed, and we can go,” I told him as I pulled back.

            “I have to go take a wee,” Harry said bluntly and I laughed out loud. “I came straight from the airport in a taxi,” he insisted as he turned to walk into my bedroom and then my bathroom.

            I was still cutting the very bottom stems of the roses off as I stuck them in a big vase. Harry came back into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. “I have missed you so much,” he whispered into the side of my neck. I giggled and he lightly kissed my skin. I dropped my knife and turned around to wrap my arms around his neck.

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