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"Please! Let me out!" my fists banged on the wooden door. The darkness consumed me and I didn't know how much longer they planned on leaving me in the basement. "Let me out!" I kicked the door, but it didn't budge.

I wish I had a flashlight of some type. I'm pretty sure I heard a rat scurrying somewhere. I haven't eaten in so long.

As much as all this worried me, every second of my time was thinking about Jungkook.

How he's gone. The day right after I had actually been with him. When I was going to be happy again. When I would get my memories back.

The conditions when I first met him were very much similar to the ones I'm in now. But his care started to show and I realized my mother was always right. They're misunderstood.

Jungkook gave me hope and proved me wrong about everything.

If only the rest of my family could see that, and now they never will because he's.... gone.

I sat against the wall and cried in the dark and waited and waited and waited.

Blood and Bread (m) | Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now