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He starts to hum and I can only sit silently. I want to sleep, but I don't want to at the same time. What if something happens while I'm asleep?

I can feel his stare on me.

"Can you... go away?" I ask low. My voice is clearly tired.

"No," he answers straight away. I shift uncomfortably still feeling his stare on me. It's silent for another 5 minutes and I feel annoyed.

"Ugh! Why not?" I finally look at him.

"I already told you why not," he leans his head on the wall still keeping his eyes on me.

"Okay. Fine. You know what?" He looks questioningly. "Yes, Jungkook. I accept your apology for almost killing me, betraying my trust, and scaring the shit out of me," I look away again.

"I have a feeling that wasn't a sincere acceptance," he sighs in his frustration.

"I accepted it nonetheless, can you leave me alone now?"

"Tell me. Does a kidnapper ever actually leave his kidnapee alone when said kidnapee says to?" I have to say, he had a good point, but I thought we respected each other in such a way that- well, I guess he never respected me. It was just me.

"It was always just me, wasn't it?" I whisper.

"What do you mean?" his head lifts from the wall to listen.

"It was always just me!" I looked at him. "I trusted you, you never trusted me. I respected you in some sick way, you never respected me. I tried to understand you, but you never made any effort to understand me," the last part comes out a little hoarse considering it did hurt to say it out loud. "I cared about you, and despite what you say, you never cared about me," I have to take a breath since I'm feeling a little shaky confronting the one who almost killed me. "It was always just me."

Blood and Bread (m) | Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now