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"What are you doing to her?" I hear Namjoon's voice.

"Don't get in the way!" Jungkook yells from behind me while pushing me.

"I barely spent 10 minutes out here!" he continues to push me to what I guess was inside. When I don't see the bright light of the sun  he stops pushing me and there's some movement before there's silence. "Jungkook?" I call out for him. More silence.

My hands go to the blindfold to remove it. I take a peek and there's no one. He's freakin' gone. I take the blindfold off and place it on the table.

"Jungkook?!" I call out for him to see if he's anywhere around, but there's still no answer.

Maybe now would be a good time to do a little snooping. I head towards the hallway where he claims his bedroom is but doesn't want me to find it. I try opening one door but it's locked maybe this is it. But I obviously can't get in do I move onto the next door to continue my exploration. This one, unlike the other, opens easily. It's only the room Jungkook brought me to before when I had to meet his parents. So nothing new.

I go to one more door and if it's the bathroom, I'm giving up. I open it up, but it's not the bathroom. It has a bed and scattered paints here and there. "Woah..." I whisper to myself. Still no windows, but the color of white brightened the room, like the living room. There were 2 bedside tables sitting next to each side of the bed. One with only a lamp. The other, a book. A sketchbook. But after scanning more of the room I turn to the paintings sitting on easels. I turn to one and my eyes widen and I gasp.

Blood and Bread (m) | Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now