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My fingers gently caress the painted face that belongs to me. He painted... me? There was a sailboat, another painted face that I wouldn't recognize, and then there's me. I was painted full body with a smile on my face, a big smile at that, and some white wings. While in the background was fire and destroyed buildings.

Is he trying to say I look innocent, but I'm actually evil? Because that's incorre-!

"What are you doing here?!" A voice makes me jump and Jungkook grabs my arm and drags me out.

"Ow! Let me go!" He pushes me out of the room and turns with a key in his hand and locks the door, denying me anymore access.

"When I left you here, it wasn't a go-ahead-and-snoop-around sign!" I looked down at his fist where he held different flowers. He followed my eyes and groaned. He threw the flowers at my feet and I yelped. "It's a little piece of outside for you," with that he stomps out with an energy that gives me chills. He officially hates me.

I pick up the flowers of various types and colors, so beautiful, from the ground and I start to regret my decision of being nosy. He was doing something nice while I was betraying him. That is if he had any trust in me in the first place. But he painted me. That's something I know now.

Blood and Bread (m) | Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now