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"Why did you tell me Jimin killed someone when... he... didn't?" my teeth grit on the last few parts. "Why would you make me think my brother was a murderer?" I tear up at the thought that Jimin would do such a thing, and the fact I believed it.

"Who told you-"

"It doesn't matter! Tell me why!" he takes a gulp. Guess he never thought one day I'd find out and ask him.

"I don't need to explain this," he gets up and walks away. I get up and follow him but I push him harshly and he stops.

"Don't need to explain? I thought we were getting somewhere, Jungkook. I-I kissed you! I was beginning to think... maybe you weren't so bad," I say low. "But you lied to me. About Jimin. About you killing my mother," his head turns to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Your mother?"

"Yeah. I was notified about that too," he seems confused, but I won't let him lie anymore.

"I didn't-"

"Taeyhung told me. He was there with you, wasn't he?" his eyes widen. Probably asking himself how Taehyung was able to communicate with me.

"Well, he lied," his eyebrows furrow.

"About everything?" Why would Taeyhung lie?

"Not... everything..." my eyes widen again. I really hoped he wouldn't say something like that.

"I... hate you," my eyes tear up again. I didn't want to say it out loud, because I know it might hurt him, but this was something beyond forgivable.

Blood and Bread (m) | Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now