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He scoffed at my confession. "How can any of this be true when I mean nothing to you?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I didn't mean-" I stop myself. This won't do anything. "Forget it, Jungkook. You're just looking for excuses, because you don't believe I could actually care about you," I go back to staring at my little lamp.

"I'm not looking for excuses, Y/N. I kidnapped you. No one in their right mind would care about their kidnapper," it's like he's suddenly realizing this and I can tell it in his face.

"If you don't remember, my family wasn't exactly... great. I consider this a break," I confess. He smirks at my words.

"Told you, you'd be thanking me," I roll my eyes at him. Always finding a way to somehow make himself look better.

He stands and as I think he's going to leave, he takes a seat right in front of me. I groan, this is tiring.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," I look into his doe eyes and my breath almost stops. He's sincere. "I never wanted to hurt you," I want to accept it, I do. But I'm still terrified. "If you forgive me, I won't do it again," my eyebrow raised.

"So if I don't forgive you, you will do it again," my head tilts in suspicion.

"No that's not-" he sighs in frustration and I laugh. "It's not funny," I give a small laugh.

"Your frustration is slightly amusing."

"So now that your laughing, am I sort of forgiven?" my smile dies. (Me when all my tacos are gone. Okay sorry, go back to reading. ) "Y/N, please?" When I don't respond he sighs. "I'll get you something else to eat that's not bread," my eyes widen. Now we're talking.

Blood and Bread (m) | Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now