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"Not understand? I-" I stop. This doesn't matter. "These feelings... this is what Taehyung was talking about, right? The third big secret? What he was holding back on?" my arms cross over my chest in confidence that this was the "big surprise".

His hand goes to the back of his neck in nervousness. "O-of course," my eyes widen at his sudden stuttering. He winces because he already knows he fucked up.

"Why are you lying? What other secrets are there?" I feel my voice rising. "Tell me!" why so many lies? Why even bothering with me, if all he does is lie? Was I used to make some sick fantasy where he could make his own little world?

"I... can't," he starts to walk away, but I grab his arm.

"I'm not going anywhere, right? So you might as well tell me," he doesn't bother to look at me.

"Exactly. You're staying with me. So, I would like for that time spent with you not hating me," his arm is yanked out of my grasp and I'm tugged with it.

"I already hate you," I whisper. His eyes still don't meet mine, and he walks away. "Yeah, Jungkook. Do what you always do! Walk away from the problem!" he disappears from my sight and I hear a door close.

I wait for him to return to yell some more, but it's quiet and that's probably how it will stay.


As I sit on the couch quietly, a crash is heard and I jump up. I follow where the noise came from. I reach the door of Jungkook's bedroom and don't hear anything.

"Jungkook?" his door swings open and when I look at him, his eyes look bloodshot. Was he crying? His hand grabs my arm and pulls me into his room. He drags me and points to a seat in front of the bed.

"Sit!" I'm startled by his loud voice and take a seat. At least it's comfortable. The paintings were moved to the side and there was a small TV with a DVD player next to it and positioned in front of me. "Just... watch," he pressed play and leaves me in the room and leaves. I see if there's a way out until I hear my voice.

"Jungkook, will you quit filming me?"

Blood and Bread (m) | Jungkook ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin