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Sorry about the whole biting your neck, vampire stuff. Hopefully no hard feelings, I certainly had a good time. Anyway, in gratitude for your generous donation to me, I decided to answer your question in a letter. How was I able to get this letter in here without Jungkook spotting and killing me? That's up to your imagination. But I'm sure everyone will have fun with you knowing the truth. I decided to give you two out of the three. The last one I'll keep a surprise. 

Here's a hint.
You taste a lot better than your mom.
Did you get it? I think Jungkook would agree. Really nice woman by the way. So nice. Didn't scream, so I REALLY appreciate that.

Your brother didn't kill anyone. No vampire killing. He's still a little killing virgin. I have a feeling on why Jungkook would say such a thing, but you're gonna have to ask him yourself.

Well like I said, that's a surprise.

Your favorite blood-sucker,

Blood and Bread (m) | Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now