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"I have your shit," he startles me and I gape at his words.

"Don't call it "my shit" you understand?!" I yell at him. So insincere. 

"Why not? It is." 

"Because it makes me feel like I'm shit just for being a girl," I snatch the bag from him. He raises an eyebrow. 

"Fine. I'm sor-" I start to swing the bag at him. 

"Never. Disrespect. My natural. Ways. Again!" he grabs my wrist and it forces me to stop. 

"You're starting to get on my last nerve," he sighs out.

"What? And you think you're my cup of tea?" I snatch my wrist from him. "Go away, now," he scoffs at my command.

"Are you kidding? This is my-" I swing the bag at him again.

"I can be worse than a vampire if you don't get out!" he grits his teeth and pokes his inner cheek with his tongue.

"Fine. I'm going!" he finally leaves and I sigh. Finally, peace and quiet. And my pain. So, not exactly peaceful. I start to feel bad about swinging at him. But no one told him he had to deal with me. 

All this for some "sweet" blood. God. Society these days. 

Blood and Bread (m) | Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now