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"Alright repeat it," Jungkook's camera is in my face once again.

"Wha- why?" I walk away but he only follows me.

"Because I want this on recording for when you claim to have never said it," I face his camera and I give him a 'seriously' face.

"Fine. I would never leave you just because of your vampire-ness or whatever," I waved him off. "Happy now?"

"Ah-uh. You said you promised," I sigh. Anything to satisfy this man child.

"I promise," I smile at him. "Now you're happy?"

"Very," he smiles.

"So you'll put the camera down?"

"No, I like that you're not swatting at me," he moves further to ensure I wouldn't. "Now..." he starts and I raise an eyebrow. "Tell me you love me," I groan. So many requests.

"You first," I smirk at him.

"Okay. I love me," my smirk falls.

"Nope. Not doing it," I face away and get a drink from the fridge.

"Okay, okay! I love you," he sings it, and I hear his footsteps come toward me. "Your turn," he puts the camera on the counter and it's faced toward me. He walks closer and his hands find my waist. I can feel my heart skip just a bit. My drink is in between us, the only thing separating us, but he takes it and sets it aside, bringing us closer. My heart picks up. My hand grabs the back of his neck and I try to kiss him, but he stops me.

"Not until you've said it," his lips brush mine and I grow impatient.

"I love you," I say it slow and just loud enough that he hears me. He smiles at my words and leans in satisfying my need for his lips. He kisses me deeper and hoists me onto the counter, making me let out a squeal. 

His hands travel to the hem of my shirt and he tugs at it. I get his message and pull it over my head. He stares for a second before his lips go to my neck and I gasp. It takes a minute before I realize-

I pull away quickly.

"The camera, Jungkook," I point to it, not wanting to be filmed kissing.

"Do we have to?" he laughs while panting. I frown at him. "Okay, okay, yes," he walks to the camera and switches it off.

Blood and Bread (m) | Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now