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Danielle's POV

*6 years later*

Holding my own hair back I sit lurched over the toilet witnessing the aftermath of throwing up. Sighing I flush the toilet before standing up weakly and sitting on the now closed lid.

"Mummy, have you got a sickness bug?", Isabella asks standing in the doorway of my en suite with Luca in tow.

"I think I might have", I say causing both of their big brown eyes to widen in worry.

"Do you need to phone daddy? So he can come home to look after you?", Isabella suddenly asks.

"No we can look after mummy!", Luca protests causing me to smile.

"I'll be okay guys, I think it's only a morning bug", I say not being able to hold back my smile.

"Mummy, why are you smiling? That isn't good that you are poorly?", Isabella says her eyebrows furrowed into a deep frown.

"Don't worry guys, how about you go and pick some clothes to wear while mummy just has a quick wee, were going shopping later and might stop in to see daddy in the studio", I smile as they're eyes immediately brighten.

"For real mummy?", Luca asks as if I had just told him we can go to Disneyland right this minute.

"For real", I smile before they're both running into their separate bedrooms.

With a chuckle I open my side of the cupboard in my bathroom before pulling out a small rectangular box with the words 'Clear Blue' written clearly in bold, blue font. Not bothering to read the instructions as I've been taking these tests quite regularly for false alarms this past month.

After going to the toilet I simply lie the stick onto the sink sides before starting my timer for two minutes on my phone. Knowing time will only go slower if I stare at it, I simply walk into my walk in wardrobe and begin picking out my outfit for today along with some clean underwear and a pair of shoes best fitted to my clothes.

Suddenly I hear an all too familiar tone blast from my phone signalling the end of the two minutes. My heart flutters as I run towards the bathroom and eye up the white stick laying peacefully against the sink. Slowly I move closer in order for my view to read something that could change my life forever.


My hand immediately covers my mouth in glee as I feel my eyes water ever so slightly from the happy news.

"Mummy I picked a dress for today with some flowers on", Isabella then says walking into the bathroom with her chosen item of clothing in her grasp.

"Oh sweetie, it's February and freezing outside, let's go pick something else", I giggle.

"But mum! I want to wear a dress today!", she exclaims, a pout falling onto her features.

"You can wear a dress but maybe something a little more in season and with some thick tights to go with it", I smile.

"Okay, what's that in your hand mummy?", she asks curiously stepping forward for a closer look.

"Nothing, just something mummy had to see why I was sick this morning", I say a smile etching it's way up my face.

"Oh okay", she says before grabbing my hand and dragging me into her room.

Almost an hour and a half later and we are all dressed and ready to go shopping for a few things, such as I've noticed Liam's been running low on jumpers and although it's February here in the UK you're lucky to banish jumpers by April so I'm going to look for a few for him. Also I like Isabella in dresses so I'm going to buy many pairs of thick tights so she can still wear them.

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