Chapter 23- Sisters

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Danielle's POV

It's the start of December today meaning that it is almost Christmas, making me and Liam even more excited than the children. For a small Christmassy evening we've invited Liam's sisters down for a night with their husbands and children, simply for a big long catchup. We haven't actually seen Logan for a while and he's also now 17 months meaning he's walking and talking more.

"Isabella, Luca, Alfie and Logan are coming down tonight with your aunties", Liam says to our children while Isabella plays with him cutely.

"My cousins daddy?", she asks.

"Yes and yours Luca", he smiles.

"Yay!, cheer with me Luca come on!", Isabella encourages.

"Yayyyyyy!", Luca shouts dragging out the word causing me and Liam to laugh.

"It's weird because Isabella has solely your curls where Luca has your curls yet my hair as well, it's like when I tried to copy Harry's hair badly", Liam laughs.

"I like them on him", I reply ruffling them slightly.

"Mummy, hungry", Isabella says rubbing her stomach.

"Okay I'm sure daddy will get you and Luca a yoghurt won't you babe?", I say fluttering my eyelashes.

"Fine", he grumbles as I laugh watching him leave the room.

"Strawberry or raspberry?", Liam's voice shouts from the kitchen.

"Swawberry!", Isabella shouts back.

"Same for Luca babe", I say.

A few moments later Liam walks in with 4 yoghurts, 3 with a spoon and 1 with a fork. I chuckle slightly knowing the forks for Liam.

"Stop laughing at my phobia", Liam laughs.

"Sorry, now hand them over", I chuckle.

Sitting Isabella and Luca both on the sofa I open and pass the yoghurts into their hands yet Liam helps Luca with his.

"Be careful now bella boo", I smile at my daughter who is pretty much feeding herself.

"I will mummy", she giggles.

"Mamamamama!", Luca sing-songs while his yoghurt is constantly getting all over his mouth and chin.

"Look at you!", Liam laughs as everyone giggles.

"Have a photo for me guys", I smile getting out my phone and snapping a cute photo of the three of them, both kids with yoghurt around their mouth and Liam simply smiling next to them.

"Put it twitter babe", Liam smiles as I nod, opening up the app.

'@DaniellePayne: oh gosh! Look at these 3! Thought I had 2 children not 3 haha! Love you guys Xx @Real_Liam_Payne'

"Finished mummy", Isabella says handing me her empty yoghurt pot and spoon.

"Luca have you finished sweetie?", I say to my son who has seemed to just leave his yoghurt.

"Leave him for a bit but I'll get them cleaned up because I'm sure they'll be here soon", Liam says while I nod giving the living room a quick tidy up.

"Mama!", I hear Luca shout as all 3 of them walk back into the living room now cleaner than before and yoghurt free.

"Hello sweetie", I say taking him into my arms and giving him a tight cuddle.

Feeling him fidget I immediately put him onto the floor seeing him crawl around the room.

Just then the doorbell rang loudly through the house and Liam walked to the door before I heard a chorus hello's.

"Hello!", Nicola shouts happily taking me into a tight embrace as they all walk through the door.

"Hey babe!", I say.

"Hello Isabella!", she says.

"Hello auntie Ruth!", Isabella grins.

"And hello Luca!", she laughs as he crawls up to her legs.

"Auntie Dani!", I hear the voice of my nephew.

"Alfie! Hello sweetie!", I say hugging him tightly.

"Hi bella!", he grins.

"Hewo Alfie", she smiles.

"Hey Danielle!", I hear Ruth say as she walks in with Logan in her arms.

"Hello darling!", I grin taking him in my arms.

"Hewo awnt Dani", he says struggling to put his words together.

"I haven't seen you in so long!", I say pouting while he giggles.


Liam's POV

It's about half 5 now and we decide to eat our tea soon for the kids sake. Despite how happy I am for my sisters to be here I can't help noticing the throbbing in my head. I've currently got Luca by my feet next to Logan while they are playing with Luca's coloured blocks together. I watch as he puts the block into his mouth causing slobber to blanket around it and his fist also.

"Ay buddy", I say as Luca looks up.

"Must everything go in your mouth", I laugh while he giggles.

I take the block and wipe it on my top before giving it back to him. He takes it putting it back in his mouth before offering me it which I quickly deny as everyone laughs.

"You look a little flushed babe", Danielle says placing the back of her hand onto my forehead.

"And your a little warm too", she says with her eyebrows furrowed.

"My heads throbbing", I say placing my fingers onto the top of my forehead.

"I'll get a paracetamol for you", she says getting up and leaving the room.

"Aw little Liam's coming down with an illness", Nicola jokes as I hush her while everyone laughs.

Coming back into the room Danielle hands me two paracetamols and a glass of water which I gladly take.

"Daddy", Isabella shouts causing me to wince.

"Talk quieter Isabella please", I say sternly.

"I think the pasta is ready guys if you want to go into the dining room", Danielle smiles as everyone gets up to leave the room.

It's always a squeeze with 3 high chairs and 7 people sitting on an 8 seated dining table. I have Danielle next to me and Isabella on my side and Luca on her side, Nicola and Nate are opposite with Alfie on the end by me and Nate, then Ruth and Rick have squeezed at the end with Logan next to them.

"Danielle when do you reckon you'll be starting back dancing?", Ruth asks as I feel Danielle stiffen slightly.

We've talked about this and she doesn't know if she can fit it in until both children start primary school and she probably wouldn't be able to just start again in another 4 years so this is quite upsetting for her.

"Errm, I'm not sure what my options are anymore", she says sadly.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out because dancing is a huge part of you", Nicola smiles politely.

Feeling myself get hot I start to waft my face as everyone looks at me strange.

"I'm boiling", I say simply.

"Babe it's actually quite cold, are you sure your feeling okay?", Danielle asks feeling my forehead once again.

"My heads hurting again", I say sighing.

"Ouchies looks like you've got a virus", Nicola laughs.

"It's not funny, I've literally got the last day of work tomorrow before Christmas", I say.

"Liam you can't help being ill", Ruth says as Danielle agrees.

"I'm sure they will understand", Danielle says as I nod.


It's now 10 o'clock and the kids are all in bed asleep while us adults have a nice chat over a bottle of red. Well except me because I'm feeling off still.

"When's your next tour Liam?", Nate asks.

"We're not sure what to do yet because we've all got young children now except for Niall but I think we might be going for a month around the US in march but were taking our families", I say.

"That's nice then", Nicola smiles as I agree.

"Better than you leaving us all the time", Danielle chuckles.

"Not nice for anyone babe", I sigh massaging my head.

I feel Danielle's arms wrap around my neck and pull my head into her chest squeezing me tightly. It was almost understanding and reassuring.

"How is Niall because last time I asked about him, they'd just lost their second baby", Ruth asked.

"The doctors have no idea why she keeps miscarrying but at this rate they might have to look into adoption", Danielle explains.

"But Niall really doesn't want to adopt yet liv just desperately wants a child", I add.

"It's really sad how some people just can't carry them, sometimes it's for the best but others it's really sad", Rick says as I nod.

"Would you guys have another?", Nicola asks looking all smug.

"Maybe", I laugh looking at Danielle who agrees.

"What about you then guys?", Danielle laughs.

"Defiantly", Rick grins causing me to smile.

"Nic?", I ask.

"Yeah, I guess, maybe", she laughs nervously.

"I'm sure Alfie would love a sibling", Ruth says.

"He's already asked for a little brother", Nate laughs.

"That's adorable!", Danielle laughs loudly.

"I guess", Nicola chuckles.

"I think I'm going to head in now", Ruth says yawning.

"Me too", I say.

"We'll sort the sofa bed out now for you guys", I say as Danielle walks out the room to get the duvet and pillows for Nicola and Nate.

"Night guys", Ruth and Rick say heading up the stairs.

"Night", I reply yawning.

"Here you go guys", Danielle says handing Nicola and Nate a duvet and pillows before I open up the sofa bed.

"Goodnight, see you in the morning", Nate says as me and Danielle walk upstairs entering our bedroom.

I quickly strip my clothes leaving me in just my boxers and climb in next to my wife. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me into her chest letting me wrap my arms around her small frame.

"Goodnight babe", she says kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight", I reply trying to ignore my throbbing head in order for me to get some sleep.

Danielle's POV

At about half 5 I was ripped from my sleep by a loud cry from the baby monitor next to me. I shoot up fumbling around for the light and turn it on before jumping from my warm bed onto the landing. Realising the cry is from Luca's room I open the door immediately to see him in his cot yet also him standing up with a small pile of sick next to him. Sighing I pick him up and hold him close to my chest as he calms down his hot body.

"Come on sweetie, shh it's okay", I coo yet adding in a yawn.

"Let's get you cleaned up", I say placing him onto his changing mat on the side table.

I turn on the bright light and strip my son from his dirty clothing, I then change his nappy to a clean one before wiping him all over and putting him into a clean baby grow. When he's clean again I sit him on my hip placing the back on my hand onto his head feeling a warm temperature.

I quietly walk us down the stairs into the kitchen and over to the cupboards grabbing the Calpol bottle. Placing my unwell son on the kitchen side I quickly open the bottle of medicine and pour the liquid onto the spoon.

"Have some of this sweetie because it will make you better", I say bringing the spoon to his lips as he opens.

Once he's swallowed he let out a loud whimper and pushes the second spoon away.

"Come on baby please it will make you better", I say desperately.

With another cry he opens his mouth and quickly swallows the second spoon full of medicine. I quickly place it back into the cupboard grabbing a glass of water and a pack of paracetamols.

"Mama", Luca whimpers.

"I know sweetie come on", I coo placing him back onto my hip and walking us into my bedroom.

"Babe", I hear Liam's groggy voice sound out as I walk into our bedroom.

"Luca's been sick so he's going have to stay in here tonight and he's got a temperature like you", I say.

"I need some para's" he replies sitting up slightly.

"Here you go", I say throwing the packet to him and then passing the glass of water.

After he's took them I place Luca next to Liam as they cuddle up together making me smile tiredly.

"Babe your boiling and look really pale", I say worriedly to my husband.

"I know", he sighs closing his eyes.

I decide that now is the best time to sort Luca's room out so tiredly I drag myself into the room. I strip the sheets from his cot and place them into the washing basket before replacing them with clean ones from his draw. Because you can smell the hint of sick in the room I quickly grab the air freshener from the side and spray around the room.

Checking the time I realise it is now almost half past 6, sighing I walk in to my bedroom seeing Luca and Liam cuddled up close fast asleep. I quickly climb in next to them letting myself slip into unconsciousness.


At 8 o'clock I wake from the sounds of Isabella shouting mummy, I quickly sit up looking over to see Luca and Liam still fast asleep together. Walking into Isabella's room I see her standing up smiling at me so I quickly grab her in my arms and walk us to our bedroom.

"Daddy and Luca are not very well sweetie", I explain as she sits watching them sleep.

"Sick?", she asks.

"Yes Luca was sick in the night",I say as she gasps causing me to chuckle.

"Mummy's going to have to ring uncle Louis", I say as she nods.

Picking up my phone I quickly dial Louis' mobile number which rings for a few moments before he picks up.

"Hello", his voice sounds out.

"Hey Louis, listen Liam's caught a bug so he won't be able to make it into the studio today", I explain down the line.

"Ouch, kept you up all night?", he asks.

"No but Luca woke me at half 5 because he was sick in his cot", I chuckle tiredly.

"Oh god, well I hope both men in the house get better then" he laughs.

"Me too because I'll be waiting on them now", I laugh hearing him join in.

"I'm sure that will be okay anyway Dani", he says.

"Yeah didn't think it would be a huge problem but still", I say.

"Alright then babe, I'm going have go so tell him get well soon and Luca and I'll see you soon", Louis says happily.

"I will Lou and thanks, bye", I say before the line goes dead.

"Uncle Louis?", Isabella asks.

"Yeah he said it's okay for daddy to stay at home today", I smile at my daughter.

"Yay!", she grins as I laugh at her enthusiasm.

A/N: wow I asked for 4 votes and got 8:)! Thank you so much to everyone who is reading this story and spread the word please! How about 10 votes for a new chapter?:) thanks for reading! Xx

The Future (Payzer)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora