Chapter 21- Birthday

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Danielle's POV

I was awoken by somebody or should I say some small body jumping on me shouting the word I love most 'mummy'. I opened my eyes slowly to see Isabella grinning in her pyjamas jumping on me, Liam standing with an awake Luca in his arms and also on the edge of the bed there was a tray holding a plate with 2 stacks of pancakes. Well it is my birthday after all.

"Appy irday!", Isabella shouts jumping into my arms.

"Thank you sweetie!", I say hugging her tightly.

"Happy birthday baby", Liam grins leaning down to kiss me lightly.

"Thank you babe, for all this", I grin as he passes Luca into my arms.

"Morning sweetie! Its mummy's birthday today", I smile down at my son.

Luca is now 3 months old and is in a lot of pain recently from him teething causing him to be a really big mummy's boy and whimpering often. Also in 3 months Isabella will turn 2! Which is absolutely crazy. Today is my 29th birthday which will be spent with Liam, Isabella and Luca today and then my parents and Sarah, Steve her husband and Ella her daughter will be staying over.

"Guess what Isabella?", Liam says.

"What?", she says sweetly.

"Mummy's old now", he says smirking while Isabella begins to fall into a fit of laughter.

"Oi you!", I say pushing him back playfully.

"Anyway! I bring pancakes!!", Liam shouts as Isabella yet again laughs.

"My favourite", I grin.

"That's why we're eating them on the morning of your birthday", Liam chuckles.

"Oh but before we settle can you go and grab Luca's teething ring", I say as he nods leaving the room.

"Oh dear Luca James", I sing-song lifting my son so his head rests on my shoulder.

"What's matter?", Isabella asks.

"Luca's teeth are growing and coming through his gums which are hurting him sweetie", I explain as she still looks confused yet nods anyway.

"Got it", Liam says handing it me before sitting back on the bed.

"Here we go", I say lying Luca on one of the pillows and placing the cold object into his mouth.

"Pancakes!", I say happily as we all begin to dig in.

"These are lovely Li", I say as Liam smiles taking my hand in his before continuing to eat.

"Right Isabella you have to be extra nice to mummy today because it's her birthday, okay?", Liam says.

"Uv you mummy!", she says as I laugh along with my husband.

Suddenly my phone begins to buzz from the nightstand so I pick it up reading the contact as 'Karen Payne' smiling and mouthing to Liam 'it's your mum' I pick up.

"Hello", I say happily.

"Morning Danielle! Happy birthday sweetie!", Karen says along the line.

"Aw thank you! We'll have to see you and Geoff soon", I say.

"Defiantly! I think it's our turn to see you, are your parents coming tonight?", she says.

"Yes and my sister, Steve and Ella, there going to stay over tonight since we haven't seem them much since Luca was born", I explain.

"That's nice, so yes defiantly we'll see you soon! And have a lovely day! I know Liam's got you some lovely things too!", she says happily.

"Oh really I haven't opened anything yet, I've only just woke up to pancakes and Isabella jumping on me", I laugh.

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