Chapter 34- Curiosity leading to sadness

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Danielle's POV

Once our second day of the holiday was spent doing similar activities as the first we flew back to the UK and reunited with our beautiful children. Although Olivia and Niall had assured us that they were more than happy to have them in I couldn't help but notice the relief of when we came to pick them up. After our short relaxation holiday I defiantly found myself feeling calmer and not so stressed over everything as of before.

Since we have not seen our parents for over a month and I'm pretty sure they have missed their grandchildren more than they've missed us, we have requested that both my parents and Karen and Geoff visit for lunch. As my parents and Karen and Geoff would like to spend a great deal with us they both will be staying in the spare room at our house saving them a drive home.

"Happy about seeing your mum and dad?", Liam asks as I sit down for the first time today.

"Yeah it feels like forever, I should really pop in more often", I say.

"Babe they don't make effort to you either", Liam says.

"Yeah I know but we literally live 20 minutes away and I should be taking the kids while your at work", I sigh.

"Don't worry, we get to see them today", he smiles as I close my eyes tiredly.

"Mummy! mummy!", I hear familiar voice shout.

"Yes?", I ask while my eyes remain closed.

"Bella no play", Luca sighs as I hear Liam chuckle.

"Isabella! Come here", Liam shouts and soon I hear small footsteps patting against the floor.

"Aren't you playing with Luca?", I ask with my eyebrows raised.

"Don't want to mummy! Play baby", she says angrily.

"Ay don't get angry Isabella, Luca just wants to play", Liam says calmly.

"Aw", I hear Luca say as a pout falls on his small features.

"Both nannys and grandads will be here soon anyway", I say with a sigh.

"I think your a little tired Luca James", I coo as I lift him onto my lap.

"Play on my own then", Isabella pouts and runs out of the room.

"I'll go get her", Liam says with a chuckle.

I wrap my arms around Luca's small frame as he clings to his stuffed tiger and buries his face into the small body of it. Kissing his hair I reach over for the controller and change the channel to Disney Junior. The next minute I see Liam walking in the room with a pouty Isabella in his arms clinging to the collar on his shirt tightly.

"I w-want ma mummy, cus' wuca always gets c-cuddles", her small voice says cracking slightly so a small sob can be let out of her mouth.

"You come to mummy then darling", I say softly with guilt filling me over her last statement.

Passing Luca to Liam I take Isabella into my arms as her head buries in my neck. Feeling her hot tears on my bare skin I bring my hand to caress the curls on the back of her head for comfort.

"Come on darling, I'm sorry", I coo rocking our bodies slightly.

After a few moments she calms down slightly and she sits on my knee sidewards meaning my arms wrap around her like a baby. I look down to my upset daughter and gently wipe her tears away from under her eyes.

"Maybe you both need a good hour sleep before your Nanny's and Granddads arrive", Liam says as I watch Luca nod his head weakly into his chest.

"Let's get you in bed then", I say softly and stand up with Isabella in my arms.

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