Chapter 20-Meet Luca

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Danielle's POV

The first night was really tiring, Luca woke up every 3 hours for either another feed or nappy or generally just a cuddle. Finally at 7 we decided to get up yet Isabella did also but she complained about her new brother waking her up in the night a lot. Also Isabella is starting the sibling jealously act early as she is constantly crying now and begging for our attention. Despite this olivia and Niall are coming round to visit along with the others when they have time as they also have there own baby to look after.

"Here's a bottle babe", Liam smiled handing me a bottle of warm milk for Luca as I rocked him gently in my arms.

"Ucaaaaa", Isabella sing-songed walking into the room after Liam had brought her down a few minutes ago.

"Morning sweetie", I smile at my daughter.

"Orning mummy", she grinned plopping down next to me.

"Uncle Niall and Auntie Liv are coming today", I say to Isabella while gently sitting Luca up to burp him.

"Yay!", she grins as I continue rubbing circles into my sons back.

"Bella boo I got you some juice in your beaker and mrs Payne you have a cup of tea", Liam smiles passing Isabella her beaker and placing my cup on the table.

"Thank you babe", I smile.

"Ankyou dad", Isabella smiles as Liam fake gasps.

"It's daddy to you!", he says pinning her down and tickling her sides.

"D-daddy-y", Isabella giggles breathlessly while I smile watching the two.

After a few more seconds of dubbing Luca's back he lets out a loud burp while Isabella giggles yet is also a bit sick down his bib.

"Uca sick!", Isabella gasps clearly worried.

"It's okay sweetie babies are sick often because it's just the milk they drink", Liam reassures her as he throws me a new bib.

"Oh dear sweetie", I coo gently swapping the bibs and wiping his mouth clean before returning to give him the last ounce of milk in the bottle.

"You feeling tired babe?", Liam asks rubbing up my arm.

"Yeah of course we were up a lot in the night and I was giving birth yesterday", I chuckle lowly.

"I know, when everyone's gone you can have a sleep to just try and catch up as much as you can", he smiles at me as I nod and place the empty bottle on the table and remove Luca's bib.

"I might go get dressed while Luca lies in the Moses basket", I say standing up and gently placing the small boy into the basket.

"Come on bells", I say smiling as the small girl follows me up the stairs.

Walking us into her room I quickly grab everything she needs before taking it into my room. Taking her pyjamas off I give her a quick wash before getting her changed into her black leggings and a salmon knitted jumper. When she's ready she runs back down the stairs desperate to see her brother again as I chuckle. Tiredly getting myself washed and dressed in just some sweatpants and a jumper I return to the living room to see Liam rocking Luca in his arms while Isabella watches intently.

"He's beautiful isn't he?", I smile sitting down next to Liam.

"Yes", he replies grinning at me.

"Niall texted me saying he should be here in half an hour", Liam said as he passes Luca into my arms.

"Okay", I say holding my son close.

"It's weird because I feel so much more relaxed and focused with Luca", I say chuckling.

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