Chapter 3-Meet the boys

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Liam's POV

The first night home was tiring. We weren't home till about 10 o'clock then we had to get Isabella ready for bed so we fed her as soon as she was in then put her to sleep about half past 10. After having showers and getting sorted me and Danielle were finally in bed at 11 o'clock but then at 2 o'clock in the morning Isabella woke up ready for her next feed which was unfortunately mine. Then at 6 o'clock she woke again for her feed and a new nappie which I gladly got to sleep through. After she was fed we finally got another half an hour sleep and decided that we may as well get up at 7 o'clock. So one eventful first night for the Payne's...

Today the boys, Eleanor and Perrie are coming so we wanted Isabella to be sorted for about 12 in the afternoon.

"Let's give her her first bath Li!", Danielle squealed with excitement while rocking her in her arms.

"Okay but we need pictures!", I replied, excitement evident.

We had decided to not let the world see Isabella for at least another week so we both sent out a tweet with just small details on her birth.

'@Real_Liam_Payne:I am happy to say Isabella Maria Payne was born at 3:19am on 9th September weighing 7 pounds and 13 ounces, mother and baby are both well X'

'@DaniellePayne:Isabella Maria Payne was born at 3;19am 9th September, 7 pounds 13 ounces, all the family doing well<3'


Danielle's POV

I grabbed the small baby bath ready for Isabella's first bath, I also picked up the small baby shampoo and wash. This will either be hell or really cute. Liam walked in holding a naked Isabella in his arms looking just as excited as me.

"Ready babe?", I asked smiling.

"Yeah, this will either be great or hell", he laughed.

"I know hopefully she will be a laid back baby", I said.

"Yeah hopefully", he laughed once again causing me too.

I took Isabella off Liam and cuddled her for a moment while Liam was checking the water and putting it to the right temperature. He then signalled for me to lower her in the bath which I did to receive a surprised look on her face which Liam quickly snapped a picture of while laughing. Liam then got a small cup of the bath water and poured it over her tiny head as she squealed excitedly. Then he grabbed for the baby shampoo and poured a tiny bit on his hands to then massage her tiny scalp gently and affectionately. After washing her small curls Liam decided to hold her while I washed her tiny body with a small amount of baby shower gel almost and she started to get a little mardy and whimper sightly. As I was rinsing the soap off her she was crying loudly with Liam trying to calm her and me hurrying up to finish. Soon enough she was back in my arms wrapped in a small towel to dry her off and keep her warm.

"Not too bad in the end", Liam smiled as Isabella was put down for a sleep.

"Yeah I guess", I tiredly smiled followed with a yawn.

"How about we catch an hour ay?, Its only 10 now and they re not coming until 12", he smiled taking me in his arms.

"Yeah", I sighed in content.

He then guided me to our bedroom and we climbed into the bed. I cuddles up into Liam's side taking in his body heat leaving me content.

"I love you", he whispered in my ear sweetly.

"I love you too", I replied pressing a sweet kiss to his bare chest before falling into a happy sleep.


Liam's POV

I was awoken by a small cry coming from the cot in the corner of our room. I looked at the clock and it was half past 11 which means me and Danielle got a good hour and a half snooze. I moved out the bed carefully so I didn't wake Danielle who was still asleep and walked over to the cot.

Isabella was wide awake lying on her back making small whimpers.

"Are you our little alarm clock Mrs?", I said smiling down at her.

She then started to quiet down and I carefully picked her up and cuddled her in my arms. I then heard stirring from the bed and turned to see Danielle was awake smiling at us.

"Good job she woke us ay?", she smiled.

"Yeah otherwise a doorbell and 6 excited people would of", I laughed.

Danielle then beckoned me to walk over which I did and sat at the side of the bed next to her as she took Isabella out of my arms into her own smiling at her.

"Its so surreal still now,, to think she is actually ours Li, I love her so much", she said with a smile a mile long.

"I know..It's just..I..I'm a dad", I stuttered ending in a sigh of content of the surreal thing.

Danielle then leaned in and pressed our lips together in a sweet, passionate kiss.

"We better get ready", she mumbled against my lips.


Danielle's POV

While Liam got ready I was choosing an outfit for Isabella which I was more than excited for. Isabella was currently on her play mat on the middle of our bed in plain eye sight. I must of already developed the paranoia of a mother.

I was rummaging through all the clothes we had for her, some off her grandparents and mainly ones off me, Eleanor and Perrie when we went shopping like crazy after we found out the sex.

After about 10 minuted of looking I finally settled on a pink and white baby grow with a strawberry on the front because it was cute for one and two I know that El picked it out.

I then picked up Isabella and changed her into it before handing her to Liam and getting myself changed into just some leggings and baggy top as I still had a bump as unfortunately it doesn't just disappear after like 2 days.

As i just sat down on the sofa with Liam holding Isabella he passes her over to me and answered the door as it rang. Luckily Isabella was still wide awake staring up at me with her big brown eyes that resembled her father.

I lifted her up so I could kiss her forehead and heard happy squeals coming form the door which was defiantly from the girls probably bouncing around by now.

I heard Liam giving greeting and receiving a few jokes of being old because of being a dad which I chuckled at. Then Eleanor and Perrie came running in with Louis and Zayn on their arms.

"Oh my god Dani!", they both said in complete awe of Isabella and myself.

"I know", I replied smiling up at them.

Everyone kind of just stood there for a second admiring Isabella when..

"Congratulations mummy", Niall said with his thick Irish accent smiling and bending down to give me a small hug so Isabella wasn't hit.

After that ice breaker all the boys repeated Niall's action towards me and my daughter.

"El your pretty much eyeing her, do you want to hold her?", I said laughing.

"Oh my god, are you sure I don't want to drop her!", she stuttered out.

"I nearly did firs time so I wouldn't worry", Liam laughed. This was actually true, I passes her to him as soon as I had the first hold and he didn't support her bum and she kind of fell forward until he caught her and burst out crying saying he wouldn't be a good dad.

"Yeah he did then cried saying he would never be a good dad", I chuckled at his little embarrassed face when all the boys laughed loudly.

By now Eleanor and Louis had gladly passes her to Perrie and Zayn. It was quite an adorable sight as the couples held her because they looked like a family. Soon after Niall and Harry had held her until she started to cry in Harry's arms.

"She hates me already!", Harry exclaimed.

"Nothing to be surprised about mate", Louis laughed earning a punch to his arm after Liam had took Isabella and gone to get her milk.

I sat there feeding Isabella as the boys were talking to Liam.

"What was it like?", Perrie asked me.

"The birth?", I asked confused until she nodded.

"Awful, I was in labour for 13 hours and towards the last few hours I literally thought I was going to die but in the end it was more than worth it", I smiled down at the little girl in my arms.

The girls cooed at my comment before Eleanor asked me..

"How was Liam through it all?"

"He was amazing, I mean at the start he was freaking out majorly until I calmed him down saying it was only early stages, he only had an hour sleep through all 13 which was really cute because he said he didn't want to leave me alone, but literally I couldn't of asked for anything else from him", I smiled at him talking to his best friends and laughing.

"Thats adorable, I could imagine Zayn being really chilled while I was stressing", Perrie said laughing.

"I could imagine Louis just being really happy because he's going to be a dad and forgetting about me in pain", Eleanor added also laughing.

About an hour later Isabella was getting really mardy and antsy in my arms desperate for a sleep but she wouldn't go. I think then everyone got the hint to go which they did with the girls saying we need to go shopping for more baby clothes which I thinks mad as they all had brought some clothes and toys for her today.

My favourite things were a baby grow from Eleanor and Louis that they had made which said 'mummy is a dancer, daddy is a singer and I'm a troublemaker', a bay grow off Perrie and Zayn which they had made saying /daddy said I'm not allowed a boyfriend..EVER' and a small bear off both Harry and Niall which sang little things when squeezed in her stomach.


Liam's POV

At about 2 o'clock Isabella had finally settled into a sleep which I suspect will be for a long time giving me time to start a nice home cooked meal of spaghetti for me and Danielle and put in the fridge ready to be warmed later.

Now we are sitting on the sofa cuddled up together as husband and wife watching batman which in my opinion is the best way to end the afternoon of a great day.

A/N: I would feedback off anyone and sorry for any spelling/grammar errors. As i said befor im BRITISH so any questions on certain words feel free to ask i dont bite:) Xx

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