Chapter 16-Awards and more drama

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Danielle's POV

Tonight One Direction are performing at an awards ceremony so all the wives and Isabella are invited to go to watch. It will be the first time Isabella has ever seen her daddy sing on stage which will be great for her and me. I am also 6 and a half months pregnant meaning my bump size has increased a lot lately but also has increased my back problems and my ankles are starting to swell easy. Since they're performing tonight Liam and the boys have gone to the venue for sound checks and show rehearsals all today leaving me alone with Isabella when I have a lot of things to get through before tonight.

"Isabella come on sweetie, mummy needs to do things", I say pleading as Isabella clings to my right leg.

"No mummy!", she shouts.

"Do you want to watch tv? Or play with some toys because mummy has loads to do before tonight", I say running a hand through my loose curls.

"Tv", she grins.

"Okay then", I say walking into the living room and turning on a children's channel before heading into the kitchen to get my cleaning things.

By 12 o'clock I had cleaned and hoovered all of the house meaning upstairs and downstairs. All I wanted was to sit down but I know if I do that, nothing will get done so I walk into the living room to see Isabella lying down on the sofa watching some programme on tv and cuddling her baby.

"Do you want some pasta babe?", I ask her as her little head rises up to look at me.

"Yeah pwease, where daddy gone?", she says furrowing her eyebrows.

"He's getting ready for tonight we'll see him soon, right I'll go make this food", I say walking back into the kitchen.

When I've got the packet of pasta open and on the side ready for the boiling water Isabella walks in and looks around everything. She then reaches for the pasta and I quickly stop her.

"Don't do that please because it will make a big mess and mummy won't be happy", I say as she steps back and I continue with the boiling water feeling my ankles swollen already.

When my back is turned from Isabella and I am filling up the saucepan with water ready to be boiled I here a bag being crunched and before I can process anything I here a loud noise crash onto the floor. I whip my body round to see the bag of pasta scattered onto the floor and a smirking Isabella next to it, anger then boils up in my body.

"Get in there you naughty naughty girl!", I say angrily as she continues to stand there.

"Don't ignore me Isabella! Get in there!", I shout loudly as she looks taken aback by my tone.

"Don't make me say it again! You've been very naughty now go!", I shout pointing at the door as she quickly spins on her toe and storms out.

Sighing I kneel down feeling my swollen ankles and feet throbbing as I quickly pick up the pieces of pasta from the floor. When finished I stand up catching my breath as I feel a hot sweat coming on causing me to tie my curly hair up and then take off my cardigan.

When the pasta is ready I walk into the dining room setting it out for the two of us and I walk to the living room seeing Isabella sitting down on the sofa with little tears I'm her eyes.

"The pasta is ready Isabella, come to dining room please", I say as she lifts he head to look at me sadly.

"Sowwy mummy", she says quietly.

"That was really naughty Isabella, really naughty!", I say sighing.

"I sowwy", she says again.

"It's okay, now come on we need eat so then we can get ready", I smile as she perks up and runs to the dining room.

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