Chapter 51- Intamicy at its best

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Danielle's POV

"Dani, you best come get Liam", Harry speaks with a slight slur to his voice.

"How much has he drank?", I ask with a slight chuckle.

"Too much", Harry giggles.

"I thought so", I laugh before linking Harry's arm as he not so carefully leads to where my drunken husband is.

With a few stumbles Harry eventually leads me to where Liam is. Viewing my husband I can't help but laugh aloud as he is sitting down completely in hysterics yet there is nobody actually paying attention to him.

"Danielle! It's my wife!", Liam suddenly shouts with a gasp causing another laugh to erupt through my body.

"Hi babe!", I giggle.

"Can I go home?", he suddenly asks with a pout forming his features.

"Not home babe, but we can go back to our hotel room?", I smile leaning down to kiss his sweaty forehead.

"Yeah!", he smiles with a slur to his voice causing me to laugh.

"You alright Liam, Danielle? Going back to your room now?", the warm voice of Louis' mum speaks.

"Yes, thank you for such a lovely day Jay! And congratulations again!", I smile enveloping her in a short hug.

"Oh thank you for coming! Had a lot to drink Liam?", she laughs taking in the state of my husband.

"Only a little bit Tricia bu-"

"It's Jay, babe", I giggle feeling happy off of my own alcohol consumption.

"Ohhhhh, sorry! But me and Danielle are going back-" he pauses to hiccup slightly.

"To have sex. If she will let me", he slurs before giggling as I feel my eyes suddenly widen.

"Liam!", I exclaim in embarrassment as I feel my cheeks burning a bright red.

"Oh my god! Jay I'm sorry! He's had so much to drink!", I plead before she begins to laugh aloud.

"Don't worry Danielle, I'll see you tomorrow morning for breakfast", she laughs before walking away.

"What did I say baby?", Liam asks confused as he latches onto my arm.

"You're embarrassing us both babe", I giggle as we make our way to our hotel room for the night.

Linking Liam's arm in my own I successfully guide us both into the hotel hallways without Liam bumping into people, tripping or falling. Digging my hand into my bag and fishing out the hotel key card I manage to unlock and open the door while still supporting Liam's weight as he sways drunkenly.

"Babyyyy, put me on the bed", Liam slurs.

"Okay", I chuckle before pushing him lightly as he flops down onto the bed.

"Anything else?", I chuckle with a raised eyebrow.

"Climb on top of me", he speaks darkly as I notice the slight darker colour in his eyes.

"Anything you say", I speak as sexy as I possibly can without giggling.

Ensuring that Liam's eyes are locked with mine, I slowly unzip the side of my dress before allowing it to pool at my feet leaving me solely in my black underwear. Stepping out from my dress I do as my husband wishes and climb onto the bed at his feet. Moving my hands up his body I stop at the collar of his shirt before undoing the top button and placing a kiss onto the new exposed skin.

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