Chapter 46- Hands

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Liam's POV

After a nice visit off of my wife yesterday where I could actually communicate with her and a horrendous nights sleep since my hip would not stop throbbing with pain causing me to only have around three hours sleep, I find myself here for the third day. Today I know I'll be alone because Danielle can't make it until tonight because of getting a babysitter for Isabella and Luca as the hospital is refusing to let children into the ward.

"Morning Liam", my nurse smiles entering my room.

I watch her place a bowl of tasteless porridge onto my tray with a glass of orange juice before she electronically moves my bed into a sitting position. Feeling my eyebrows furrow at the absence of my pain medication I decide to speak up.

"Ermm nurse, where are my pain meds?", I ask with a chuckle.

"Oh! Of course! I knew I forgot something", she laughs cheerfully before racing out of the door.

My nurse, Nurse Jackson is a newly trained nurse who's only just graduated from University which will explain her being so dipsy. Smiling weakly I watch her place a glass of water and my three large tablets also on my tray before she goes to fetch my doctor.

"Mr Payne, sleep well?", Doctor Peter asks.

"No, my hip wouldn't stop hurting", I sigh rubbing my eyes.

"Hmm, maybe you need to be on stronger antibiotics, I'll note that down", he explains before grabbing a pen and jotting down something onto his clipboard.

"I suggest today be a day of rest, I'll wheel in one of our finest TV's so you can watch any programmes or films", he smiles as I return one.

After my bed being put back into half a sitting position and half a lying position as well as my pain medication kicking in my hip finally feels at ease. I grab the remote and aim it to the large flat screen now in my room to change it to the channel 'Film4'. Noting that the film now playing is Disney's Frozen causes me to chuckle as I remember Isabella's love for this film. We have easily watched it around eight times and I've also brought the soundtrack for in the car.

Leaving the channel on I sigh as my thoughts drift back to my family in the comfort of our own home while I'm stuck in this boring hospital alone. Suddenly a knock at the door snaps me out of my trance.

"Come in", I speak hoarsely.

"How are you Liam?", I hear a familiar male voice speak.

Whipping my head around quickly I'm met with the nervous smiling of my dad. Suddenly I feel my throat dry as I try to find the courage to speak to my dad who've I have ignored these past months.

"How are you?", I speak up.

"Liam", he chuckles.

"You're the one who's just been in a car accident, fractured your ribs and shattered your hip", he smiles before pulling a seat and sitting down.

"Yeah", I laugh quietly.

I feel my chest tight as I realise that I generally have ignored my own dad for months. With guilt flooding through my veins I finally decide to talk it all out.

"I haven't spoke to you in ages", my dad speaks, his accent reminding me of back home.

"Yeah, that's my fault for being such a coward", I sigh while avoiding any eye contact.

"It's not been easy for anybody Liam and you're entitled to space from the people who remind you of her the most", he says.

"I get it, it was the same when my mum died but I was not as young as you", he sighs.

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