Chapter 12-Happy 1st Birthday!

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Liams POV

"My little girl is 1 today", I sigh squeezing danielle who was lying next to me.

"Where had this year even gone?", she replies nuzzling her head into my neck.

"No idea, I mean Ruth's literally going to pop if she gets any bigger I think", I laugh.

"I know! I remember when I was that big", she replies chuckling.

"Mama dada! Birfdee!", Isabella's voice sounds out.

We both happily jump out of bed and walk across the landing to Isabella's room to see her standing and shaking the bars of her cot. In the living room last night we stayed up late decorating it and putting all of her presents in their as well. Also today were having a garden party with both family and friends, my parents Ruth and Nicola are all staying and then Danielle's parents and her sister Sarah are coming along with the boys and their wives/fiancées.

"Happy birthday!", I shout picking Isabella out of her cot and spin her round while she giggles.

"Yay!", she shouts clapping her hands.

"Do you want some presents?", danielle says kissing her temple.

"Yeah!", she cheers.

I walk us into the living room which has banners and presents pretty much everywhere. Sitting down on the sofa I place Isabella on the floor and she runs to the presents picking up one and shaking it around.

"Somebody's been spoilt ay?", danielle says sitting down next to me as we watch our daughter.

"Out?", Isabella asks referring to the present.

"Yes, let's open it sweetie", I say motioning her to come to us for help.

She tears the paper open to see some sort of baby doll.

"Have you got your own baby?!", danielle says excitedly.

"My baby!", she shouts cuddling it and grinning.

"What do you say to mummy and daddy?", I say.

"Tankoo", she grins.

"Good girl!", I shout.


Danielle's POV

After a whole morning full of presents being opened and wrapping paper covering my floor while Liam opens every doll or toy she has we clean up and get Isabella dressed for the day. After going through the heaps of clothes Isabella had had off me and Liam, I finally settle on a floral dress and her white converse. I also added two pink hair bows into her curls and then got myself ready into a red flowery dress and my white converse, making a mental note to tell liam to where his.

When I'm ready we both walk into the kitchen to see liam preparing some of the food for today which half was done last night. He was wearing some jeans and a nice short sleeved shirt which will go nicely with his converse.

"Whatcha think?", I say posing next to Isabella speaking to liam.

"Very nice girlies", he said walking away from the food to kiss me softly.

"Wear your converse today babe", I say receiving a nod of agreement.

Looking outside I see that liam has put the chairs out onto our garden ready for the guests.

"Take a photo of us please?", I smile handing liam my phone as he opens the camera.

"Smile bella", he says as I pick her up and place her on my hip.

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