Chapter 10-Wedding drama about 'her'

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Danielle's POV

Today was the day of liv and Niall's wedding, this morning we were all out early Liam being one of the best men yet not the main one was out with the boys while me and Isabella went straight to the reception where liv and the other bridesmaids were. When we got there Isabella was still half asleep and liv was having a breakdown with nerves, luckily we managed to get her ready and us other bridesmaids. Isabella was put into a little pink dress and pink headband was on her head with her curls which seem to be growing so fast nowadays.

We are currently sitting ready for the meal meaning the ceremony has finished, even though bridesmaids and best man/men are supposed to be on the top table liv and Niall decided it would be too big if everyone was on so me and Liam gladly said we would sit on a separate table with Isabella Liam's parents and his sisters and their partners.

"Isabella please sit still", Liam scolds as she shuffles around in her seat.

Ruth was pretty big now since she was around 6 months pregnant and seemed to be picking at rich's food every so often.

"Mamama", Isabella whines pushing away her plate with a piece of melon on.

"What's the matter? Do you not want it?", I say as she pushes it away more.

"Okay then, li?", I say offering him he melon that he takes eating also.

"Isabella! Do you want to go out?", Liam says aggravated by her constantly pushing at her high chair and shuffling around.

"OUT!", she shouts back.

Isabella is currently 11 months old and her first birthday will be soon which is just unbelievable to me and Liam.

"Okay then", Liam laughs unstrapping her and placing her on the floor.

I watch her waddle around the dance floor then standing in front of the top table and placing her small hands on it.

"Hello Isabella", liv smiles.

"Hewo", she grins with her little teeth showing.

I stand up and walk over to her crouching down to her level.

"Leave auntie liv alone Isabella", I laugh.

"NO MAMA!", she shouts pushing me away.

"No Isabella! Come on sweetie", I say picking her up for her to only squirm in my arms.

"Having a good day so far?", I ask liv smiling.

"Yes, brilliant!", she replies beaming.

"Shall we go back to nanny and daddy?", I say to Isabella who is pouting in my arms.

"NANA!", Isabella shouts thrusting her arms out to her before running over when I place her on the floor.

"I wish it was our wedding day", Liam sighs when I sit down.

"I know, me too", I say kissing his lips.


By now it was time for the evening guests to arrive and Isabella was still going strong running around with Alfie(Nicola's son). I laugh at how she pushes him away when he tries to hug her close, Liam seems to have disappeared. I look around to see el which I walk over to her.

"Have you seen Liam?", I ask her for only to have her face to pale.

"Er-I-y-yes", she stutters out as my heart beats loudly in my chest.

"Where?", I ask cautiously as she nods her head in front of her.

I turn around for my heart to stop in my chest, my throat to tighten and my breath to hitch. He was standing, laughing and smiling while talking to HER.

"W-what?", I ask dumbfounded.

"I don't know, danielle please don't do anything you'll regret", el says pleading.

"She took everything from me once", I say as a whisper.

Ignoring el's protests I walk over and stand next to Liam as she looks at me with her nose scrunched up.

"sophia",I say with no emotion.

"danielle",she replies mimicking my features.

"Liam have you seen OUR daughter?", I say to him.

"Oh sophia did you know that me and Liam have a daughter together?", I add sickly sweet.

"I did", she replies with a sarcastic smile.

"I don't mean to sound rude, or maybe I do but why are you here?", I ask as I hear Liam sigh beside me.

"I'm with one of Niall's friends as a date", she says.

"Not settled down then? Will you ever? Or will you carry on to be a stupid SLUT", I say loudly as a few people stare.

"Let's go danielle", Liam says dragging me outside.

"What the hell were you thinking?!", Liam says once were alone.

"I don't know Liam, maybe I was pissed off?, that your ex partner was at a wedding?", i shout back.

"Well, well done for making a fool out of yourself", he says laughing sarcastically.

"You left me once for HER", I say quietly with a tear rolling down my face.

"Yes then she left me and I went back to you", he replies as I freeze on the spot.

"What do you think I am Liam?! Some sort of second option?! Rebound for your brokenheart?!", I shout at him before sobbing into my hands.

"Do you even fucking love me?!", I shout as more tears fall down my cheeks.

"You and I both know the answer to that danielle", he says sternly.

"Then why were you so happy and giggly with you EX-GIRLFRIEND", I say emphasising the word 'ex-girlfriend'.

"Because I hate being at war with people that's why", he shouts back.

"Well a simple hello, how are you doing would of done Liam!", I shout.

"Do you even know how that makes me feel? She BROKE you Liam, BROKE, and I was the only person there to pick up them pieces even after you BROKE me", I add quietly.

"I know", he says quietly looking down.

"Your not a second choice, never have been, I didn't know what I had until you were gone, I learnt to get over you and almost did loving sophia until she left me and then YOU were the only one there for me and it just gave me the reassurance I needed", he adds looking into my eyes.

"I'm sorry Liam for being an idiot and saying that", I say looking down.

"I'm sorry for being like that and this", he said lifting my chin up.

"Let's go inside now", I say wiping my tears.

"Oh my god!", el says rushing to my side when we return to the room.

"Are you okay? Everyone heard you call sophia a slut!", she says.

"Yeah I'm fine, had an argument with Liam but were okay and I actually don't care because I can't stand that bitch", I say laughing slightly.

"Mama!", Isabella shorts waddling over she immediately wipes my tears off my face as I smile at her.

"Cry?", she asks worriedly.

"No sweetie", I say kissing her little lips.

"Hey guys", Liam smiles putting his arms around us and kissing my forehead as Isabella squeals excitedly.

"Love you Isabella", Liam says.

"Uv you dada!", she says kissing his lips softly.

A/N: short, crappy chapter. The next chapter will be carrying on with the wedding slightly. Just wanted get this sophia drama haha. 2 votes for new chapter plEase, thankyou for reading Xxx

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