Chapter 31- Crash

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Liam's POV

I was just sitting on the sofa with Danielle while the kids were asleep in our bed when we were suddenly thrown forwards. We both hit the floor with a thud as well as all the couples currently in the room. Wincing I stood up and helped Danielle up, Summer and Mia were now crying in their mothers arms as Zayn and Louis looked equally as confused as me.

Suddenly a loud scream is heard from Harry and Brittany's bedroom before a child's cry is sounded from our bedroom. I feel my heart drop as I rush into our shared room. I look around frantically in sight of our children, finally I spot Luca sitting up in bed crying loudly yet Isabella isn't visible.

"Isabella!", I shout moving around the bed in a rush.

"D-dad-", I hear her voice cry loudly from the other side of our bed.

Running around I see her small body sitting upright while she holds the left side of her heard screaming. I hurriedly crouch down to pick her body up and bring her into my arms.

"What's hurting darling?", I ask frantically.

"Head daddy!", she cries loudly increasing my worry.

"T-take your hand off for daddy to s-see", I hear Danielle's calm voice stutter out.

"No!", she screams as tears are fiercely falling from her eyes.

"I'll take her to the kitchen", I say before leaving the small room.

In the living room Paul has now entered yet everyone is crowded around Brittany as she is holding onto Harry very tightly.

"She's only six months pregnant", I hear Harry's frantic voice say.

Ignoring everyone else for the moment I focus on my injured daughter, I sit her on the kitchen side to take a better look at her.

"Please take your hand off for daddy", I plead.

"No daddy", she cries loudly.

Sighing I grab a piece of kitchen towel with one hand still on Isabella and I wet it under the kitchen tap.

"Daddy's going to look now, okay", I say calmly only to receive a cry.

"I know darling, shh", I coo pushing aside my worries for now.

I place my hand on top of her small hand clutched tightly to her head and I gently ease it off trying to ignore Isabella's loud cries. Gasping, I see a deep gash on the let side of her head with small droplets of blood falling from it. I shakily take the damp cloth in my hand and press it to the wound on her head to earn a loud cry of pain from the small girl.

"Liam is she alright?", Danielle says holding onto her small hand.

"W-why is there so much b-blood on her hand?", Danielle whispers shakily.

"She must of hit it when the bus stopped", I say sighing.

"Paul!", I shout as Danielle begins to clean Isabella's hand covered in blood.

"What Liam?", he asks in a hurry.

"She's hit her head, she needs to go to the hospital", Danielle says worriedly.

"That's two then", he sighs.

"Two?", I ask with my eyebrows furrowed.

"We think Britt's gone into early labour", he says as I hear Danielle gasp.

Early labour is never good, and since she's only 6 months pregnant there is a high risk she may lose the baby which is awful.

"An ambulance is on it's way but I'm sorry, you guys are going to get the car", he says as I sigh and nod.

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