Chapter 36- 'I can't face this alone'

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Danielle's POV

I sat up in bed with the TV on low in the background yet I wasn't watching it. It had been three days since Liam left for Wolverhampton with his mum and he kept his promise of ringing everyday despite his mum being now kept in the hospital. A small whimper from beside me breaks my thoughts I look over to my small son tossing and turning in his fathers place asleep. As I'm too scared to sleep alone in our big house and Luca has come down with a nasty cough, stuffy nose and temperature which wakes him up nearly every 3 hours I decided it was best to keep him with me so at least Isabella can get a good nights sleep.

"Shh sweetie", I say softly moving his hair out of his face as he sniffles and stirs in his sleep.

My thoughts soon drift back off to Liam and his family down there. Once Liam got there on Sunday he rang a few hours later to say his mum is practically on her death bed. Also he mentioned that his mum wanted me, Luca and Isabella to see her but Liam said to come down in a few days depending on her health. Averting my gaze to the clock I see it's just turned midnight and Liam has still not called, I feel my breathing speed up at the thought of something going wrong.

Suddenly my phone vibrates loudly on my bedside table so I grab it immediately and see my caller I.D as 'Liam Xxx'. I quickly slide my finger along my iPhone screen and it directs me to the calling app.

"Dani?", I hear his voice whisper.

"Li?! Is everything okay?", I whisper frantically.

"Yeah, well no, not really", he says quietly.

"What's happened?", I ask softly

"She was really bad t-tonight", he stutters.

"And then Ruth keeps being a bitch to me", he says and I can hear his small sniffles.

"What is she saying Li?", I ask.

"Just saying I've missed a lot of mums life to be a singer and stuff", he chokes out as anger fills me at once.

"Oh Li, you know that's not true", I sigh.

"I know but she doesn't know how it affects me", he says as I hear a few small sobs leave his mouth.

"I wish I was with you babe", I sigh feeling small tears brim in my eyes.

"I struggle to sleep you know", he says.

"Me too, I've got a laid up Luca next to me", I say with a small chuckle.

"That's my boy being the man of the house", he laughs quietly.

"He keeps waking in the night coughing and his throat is really sore", I say looking at him as he lays on his side facing me and has a fist full of my pyjama top.

"Tell him I miss him and Isabella", he says through the line.

"I will, they miss you too and can't quite understand why you have gone to nanny and grandads without them", I say with a small smile.

"I kind of wish they were older but on the other hand I'm glad their young", he begins.

"Because them being older means they'd remember but they'd understand and because their young they don't understand but they don't remember either", he finishes.

"I know Li, this is a really hard situation", I sigh.

"I want to see you down here towards the end of the week, with them both", he says.

"We will babe don't you worry and the lads send their blessings"

"Get a good sleep now babes", I say softly.

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