Chapter 35- Brits

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Liam's POV

I feel numb. It's the only way to describe my emotions now. My mum, the women who's so positive and helpful towards others is in need of so much right now. I couldn't even face her, I was such a coward. Danielle had to come up and calmed me down by informing me that my parents left. 'Call them when your ready Li' Danielle had said as I lay on the bed staring blankly at the plain ceiling. I know my two children have noticed my change in mood suddenly as I've been less motivated to interact with them. Danielle's felt it the most I reckon, she's constantly trying to get me to at least act slightly normal. But I can't.

Tonight's the Brits and I can't bale out, no one outside of my family knows about my mum. I guess it will be difficult to put on that smile for not only the boys but the fans also. Danielle's parents happily agreed that they will put the children to bed at our house and stay until we arrive back to save them sleeping somewhere else.

"You ready babe?", I hear a soft voice ask as I fix my jacket one last time.

"Y-yeah", I say quietly turning around and meeting my wife's worried eyes.

I watch her slowly walk up to me before placing her arms around my neck. She presses a delicate kiss to my lips before pulling me into a comforting hug.

"I love you", she whispers as a sigh escapes her lips.

"I love you too", I croak meeting her eyes.

Worried eyes, worried eyes is all I've seen this past week from my usual happy Danielle. Turning around I meet my appearance once more, glide my hand along my gelled hair before taking Danielle's hand and walking downstairs.



"Win ward!", my children shout at me once were visible in the living room.

"I'll try", I force a smile as my little girl wraps her small arms around my neck while I'm crouched down to her level.

"Win!", Luca grins then wobbly walking over and joining the hug.

"Love you both", I say with a small smile.

"Uv you!", Luca coos.

"Love you!", Isabella then says louder showing off as she can pronounce the entire word different from her younger brother.

Ruffling their hair and waiting for Danielle to say goodbye we say a short farewell to her parents as they wish me luck. Soon enough a car is peeping outside our house causing me and my wife to leave the house.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Payne", the driver greets politely.

"Hello", Danielle smiles as I simply nod my head.

I feel Danielle place her hand onto mine as we begin the short journey to the Brits venue this year. Around 10 minutes later we arrive outside a crammed red carpet as many cameras, fans and celebrities walk. We quickly get out of the car being met by Paul almost immediately from the fear of being mobbed. I grab Danielle's hand before we make our way to where the other members of the band are waiting with their partners.

"Ayy! Liam!", Niall shouts giving my shoulder slap causing me to flinch slightly.

"Hi Niall", I say quietly.

"Lighten up dude", Louis jokes with Eleanor clutching his arm tightly.

"Boys we want some couple photos and a few band ones please", Paul shouts as we all nod and separate from our partners.

Walking next to Zayn were immediately met by flashing cameras and camera men shouting various comments to us.

"Harry where's your girlfriend?", one man shouts over to us.

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