Chapter 27- USA and another?

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Danielle's POV

Today we are heading to the US for three weeks while the boys do a short tour advertising their new album. It's nearly the end of January meaning Luca is nearly 11 months old in February and walking around which is absolutely crazy. This morning I was up early but I still haven't managed to get my house sorted out which has left me slightly frazzled.

"Come on Dani, the car is here!", Liam's voice calls from the hallway.

"I haven't even tidied up the living room!", I exclaim.

"We haven't got time Danielle!, now grab your handbag and the kids and I'll get our suitcases and your jacket", he shouts.

"Come on guys", I say to my children who are sitting on the sofa all wrapped up in coats, hats, scarves and gloves.

"Going?", Isabella asks cocking her head to the side.

"Yes we are darling, but were going to be late so come on", I say ushering them out the door.

Grabbing my handbag I quickly lock the door and make my way to the car that's come to pick us up. I jump into the back seat next to my two children while Liam sits in the front with the driver making small talk.

"Babe here's your jacket", Liam says turning around and handing me a large grey zip up jacket.

"Li, this is yours", I say shaking my head with a small chuckle.

"Well it will be comfier anyway", he smiles.

"Fair enough", I laugh slipping it onto my body immediately being satisfied with the intoxication of Liam's scent.

"Daddy's, mummy!", Isabella giggles pointing to the jacket as Luca lets out small giggles.

"Daddy!", Luca shouts causing Liam to turn around.

"What's up little man?", he asks with a smile.

Luca simply points to Liam's jacket on my body and laughs loudly with Isabella.

"Did daddy bring the wrong one?", he asks with a chuckle.

"Yeah silly daddy", Isabella says giggling.

"Oh well it's only daddy ay", I smile.

"Mr Payne we are here but there's many fans so I've been ordered to take you to the back entrance", the driver explains as Liam nods.

"Thank you", I interrupt once we've come to a halt right outside an empty door.

"It's no problem Mrs Payne, I hope you enjoy your time in the US", he says with a small smile.

"Thank you mate!", Isabella shouts.

"Isabella don't say mate, who's said that?", I laugh.

"Daddy says it mummy", she laughs.

"Well you don't say it", I say as she nods.

"Tankoo!", Luca grins.

"It's my pleasure", the driver smiles before getting out the car and helping Liam with our suitcases.

I then get out myself and unstrap my two children placing them onto the pavement. I order them to stay put by me while I grab my bag and then the hats they have both thrown off of their heads while in the car.

"Put these on guys", I say placing them back onto their heads.

"Were ready now kiddies, let's go!", Liam says excitedly attempting to pick up Luca before he rejects.

"Come on sweetie, let daddy pick you up", I say.

"No! Walk!", he cries.

"Just pick him up Li, we need to get going", I sigh as he nods picking up Luca's small body as begins to kick and thrash around.

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