Chapter 43- Baby Felicity

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Liam's POV

"Okay so Danielle by your description and the tests we've ran, I've finally found an answer to this horrible problem", Doctor Sarin explains.

"Finally", Danielle chuckles as the doctor smiles.

"Okay, so it seems to me that when you begin to either get anxious or you begin to panic meaning you breath heavily, your brain sends signals saying that you have actually stopped breathing which then creates a whole idea of you not breathing when in fact you are. By using this especially made inhaler device created especially for your need, you yourself or anyone around just need to puff a few breaths into your mouth which will tell your brain that you are in fact breathing." He explains as I nod taking in all of his words.

"So there is no problem with breathing or anything?", I ask.

"Nope, just a psychological malfunction in your wife's brain", he replies with a smile.

"That's good them I guess", I chuckle.

"Thank you Doctor", Danielle smiles standing up.

"Here is your new improved inhaler", Doctor Sarin smiles thrusting a small paper bag into Danielle's hands.

With a smile we leave the Doctors office and make our way out of the building. Heading to the car we finally make our way home after picking up Isabella and Luca from Danielle's mum and dad's.

"Hiya daddy", Isabella smiles climbing into the car.

"Hello Bella", I smile at my daughter as she fiddles with the bobble in her hair.

As Isabella's hair has grown exceedingly over the last few months Danielle's finally started to put it up into bobbles with cute little scrunches making her even more adorable.

"Hello little man", I say as Danielle places Luca into his car seat.

I watch him look up before giving me a small wave with his chubby hand.

"What's the matter? Not speaking?", I chuckle as she smiles shyly before covering his face with his hands.

"Do you want to invite Harry and Britt over?", Danielle asks as we begin the journey home.

"Yeah, ring Britt or something", I reply without taking my eyes off of the road ahead.

"Okay", I hear her reply before she pulls out her phone from her bag.

Around half an hour later I'm cooking the tea and Danielle is cleaning the house while Isabella and Luca play out in the back garden. Due to our kitchen having a direct view of the back garden I am able to watch my children's every move like every good father should. Smiling to myself I watch how Isabella runs around with her elephant teddy in her hand which Luca simply toddles around with giggling at his older sister.


Danielle's POV

"Harry, hi!", I smile enveloping the man I haven't seen in so long.

"Hey Dani", he replies with a smile as he carries in a car seat with him.

"Dani!", I hear Brittany's voice sound.

"So good to see you babe!", I grin also hugging briefly with her as she carries a large baby bag.

Allowing them to enter we all make it into the living room as I watch Liam and Harry already brewing a conversation as Brittany begins to move the car seat in front of her. Smiling I study the little girl currently in the car seat which I haven't seen for so long. Her brown straight hair is perfectly aligned on top of her head as her emerald eyes stare back at everyone as she study's everything. It's safe to say that she very deeply resembles both of her parents, with Harry's eyes, cheeks and hair colour and Brittany's facial features such as her nose and lips.

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