Chapter 48- Ruined Birthday

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Liam's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open before closing shut due to a hard pounding in my head. I move my hands so they grip it either side in order to stop the pain. Opening my eyes once again I opt to move yet I'm cut off by a sharp pain racking up my body starting from my hip.

"Liam?", I hear a familiar voice ask.

Lifting my head slightly I'm met by Danielle wrapped in a white towel. Smiling weakly I motion for her to come closer to me which she does immediately.

"How are you feeling?", she asks softly while placing her cool palm on my burning forehead.

"Shit", I grumble.

"Can you remember what happened?", she asks with her eyebrows knitted together in worry.

"No but something that caused me all this pain", I reply.

"You fainted on stage Li it was pretty bad, the lads were so worried about you they had to stop the show", Danielle speaks sadly.

"I ruined the show didn't I?", I croak.

"It isn't your fault babe, let me get your pills", her voice whispers before her lips press to my forehead gently.

Three tablets later and I'm sitting up in bed feeling like shit and watching some TV. Mentally cheering I notice they have 'ITV 1' here in Peru so I quickly change over to 'Good Morning Britain'.

"Good Morning everyone, today is 10th June and Laura will describe our weather", Lorraine smiles through the TV screen.

I furrow my eyebrows as I'm sure there's something I'm missing from that last statement. Suddenly my stomach drops and a feeling of guilt washes over me. 10th June, Danielle's 30th Birthday.

"D-Danielle!", I shout sadly.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?", she gushes running out of the en suite.

"I-I forgot your birthday", I whisper sadly as I dip my head.

"Liam, you're not well so it's alright. My birthday is the least of our worries", she smiles brushing my hair back.

"I had a whole day planned out and everything. It's an important birthday", I sigh.

"You're doctor who came along went mental at Alex Chambers, mental", she chuckles trying to lighten the mood.

"Dani", I sigh.

"Liam, you're my main priority before my birthday", she smiles climbing onto the bed next to me.

"At least let me take you out tonight? I booked this restaurant for us which is meant to be amazing", I exclaim while she tucks herself under my arm.

"Okay then", she smiles leaning up to softly peck my lips.

"Where are Isabella and Luca?", I chuckle.

"Oh yeah! I wanted a shower and to get ready but I didn't want them disturbing you so Louis' got one and Zayn's got the other I think", she smiles up at me.

"I'm ready now anyway so I'll go get them", she says with a smile before leaving the room.

"Payno!", Louis shouts entering the room with Luca in his arms.

I watch him throw Luca around in different directions pretending to be an airplane as he giggles uncontrollably in his arms. Isabella then toddles in with a bright smile the same as her mummy's before exclaiming to Zayn how he should do things like that with her.

"Hey mate", I smile with my voice hoarse.

"Daddy!", Isabella then exclaims with a gasp.

Once she's on the bed I carefully lift her into my arms as she squeezes me as tight as her little arms can. Kissing the side of her face sweetly I soon feel her small lips pressing sloppy kisses all over my face as I laugh.

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